Surfshark VPN (2022) Pregled

Surfshark VPN (2022) Vodnik za pregled

Iščete novega Surfshark VPN pregled? To je logično, v zadnjih nekaj letih so te storitve postale izjemno priljubljene, skoraj 30% internetnih uporabnikov v zadnjih 5 letih uporablja storitve VPN. Mi pri za vas preizkusili in preizkusili vse različne ponudnike, preberite naš celovit Surfshark VPN review and learn everything about this service, we are sure that once you’re done reading you will know if this provider suits you.

Kdo in kaj je Surfshark?

Is Surfshark really “eating other VPN deals alive” as they say? In this Surfshark review, I’ll see if they’ve got what it takes for them to live up to that slogan or if they’ll be swallowed by the competition. Surfshark has a no-log policy, kill-switch feature, as well as a camouflage mode to make your internet browsing activity look normal to your internet provider.

  • Ta VPN ponuja vrhunske funkcije, ki bi jih želeli od zanesljivega, varnega in enostavnega VPN. Kot novejši VPN se zdi, da je eden izmed najcenejši na trgu za samo $2,49 USD na mesec, če se prijavite za 24-mesečni paket.
  • Along with unlimited device usage and 15 Netflix libraries, you might wonder why their price is so good, especially with three months free. Let’s dive in to see if Surfshark really is at the top of the food chain in svet Netflix VPN.

One of Surfshark's focal points is its low price. The company has a no-log policy and does so for less money than many other VPNs. But does that make Surfshark a better choice than, say, PureVPNExpressVPN ali NordVPN? Preberite več in ugotovite, ali ta ponudnik spada v najboljše storitve VPN leta 2021.

Kakšne so prednosti in prednosti?

  • Zelo enostaven za uporabo in enostaven za namestitev.
  • Lahko se uporablja na neskončnem številu naprav (to je povsem edinstveno).
  • Varni protokoli in brez dnevnikov.
  • Zelo konkurenčne cene.
  • Na voljo so velike ponudbe Netflix, vključno z ameriškim in nizozemskim Netflixom.
  • Dovoljen je hudourniški promet.
  • Dobre hitrosti povezave.
  • Ima koristne dodatne možnosti, kot so AdBlocker, NoBorders Mode, Camouflage Mode, GPS spoofing in Whitelister (Split tuneliranje).

Kako Surfshark deluje?

For any new VPN user, Surfshark is simple to install and activate. By following the steps below, you’ll see that the setup process is user-friendly and quick. As a brand-new user, you’ll be prompted to create an account or log in with an existing one before installing Surfshark. Once installed, Surfshark walks you through the setup process. I’ve listed each step for you below, although I truly think a beginner would feel comfortable installing and activating Surfshark on their own.

Korak 1:

Izberite želeni jezik.

2. korak:

Izberite, kje želite, da se programska oprema shrani na vaš disk. Ne pozabite, da namestitev zahteva 32 MB prostega prostora, zato se prepričajte, da je na voljo, preden začnete.

3. korak:

Zaženite preneseno programsko opremo, da dokončate namestitev in začnete aktivirati. Eden od prednosti Surfshark VPN je, da je njihova programska oprema zelo majhna, elegantna in enostavna za uporabo. Vmesnik je izjemno prijazen do uporabnika in ga je mogoče še bolj zmanjšati s tem, kar imenujejo »mini način«, kot boste videli na spodnjem posnetku zaslona. Ko uspešno namestite Surfshark, preprosto kliknite »poveži«, da se povežete z najhitrejšim strežnikom, ki je na voljo:

Surfshark ima veliko dobrih lastnosti

With Surfshark’s CleanWeb built-in adblocker feature, you won’t have to worry about malware or phishing attempts. Combine that with a pleasant and uninterrupted browsing experience that doesn’t slow down your bandwidth. No more annoying ads or pop-ups, but most importantly, you’re protected from any attempts to gain access to your information and tracking.

To automatically detect malware, Surfshark consistently updates their database of malware-infected websites and prevents you from accessing them. At the time of my research, they had detected over 1 million infected sites, but rest assured that you’re protected with their VPN and CleanWeb feature. The CleanWeb feature is available on Windows, macOS VPN, Android in iOS.


With Whitelister, you can split-tunnel your VPN to personalize your browsing experience. You can set certain sites and IP addresses to bypass the VPN completely by creating a “white list.”

  • This allows you to control the privacy and security of the websites you truly need protection for, while allowing other safe sites to connect directly to the internet. If you’re on a private connection, this can be a great tool to use.

Vendar bodite previdni. Če dodate katero koli spletno mesto ali naslov IP na seznam dovoljenih, lahko pridete do nezavarovane povezave brez šifriranja.

  • The benefit of a feature like this can be appreciated when setting up network devices, such as a printer or scanner, to avoid the additional hassle of setting them up through the VPN. It can also eliminate the need to turn on and off the VPN by simply adding your favorite secure sites to your white list. Privacy beyond VPN includes premium features such as HackLock—email leak protection—and BlindSearch—private search— as you’ll see in the screenshot below. At an additional $0.99 USD per month, you can add this to your current Surfshark subscription by clicking “more info.”


Surfshark is extremely usable, and most features can be customized. As for server locations, you can easily favorite and toggle between servers via the Locations tab. You could choose the “fastest server” or “closest country,” and this option allows you the additional personalization to choose your favorites.

Strežniško omrežje Surfshark

This is our conclusions regarding Surfshark's server network and locations:

  • Surfshark ima dobro strežniško mrežo z več kot 3200 strežniki, ki se razprostirajo v 65 državah
  • Vsi strežniki Surfshark so združljivi s prenosom (P2P)
  • You don't have to manually choose a P2P server
  • Obstaja veliko ameriških strežnikov, za katere se zdi, da vsi delujejo z Netflixom
  • Možno je povezati prek dveh strežnikov VPN hkrati (MultiHop)
  • Z Surfsharkom ne morete zahtevati namenskega naslova IP
  • Surfshark ima 3200+ strežnikov v 65 državah. Strežnike imajo v naslednjih državah:
  • Evropa: Albanija, Avstrija, Belgija, Bosna in Hercegovina, Bolgarija, Ciper, Češka, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Grčija, Madžarska, Irska, Islandija, Italija, Hrvaška, Latvija, Luksemburg, Moldavija, Nizozemska, Sever Makedonija, Norveška, Ukrajina, Poljska, Portugalska, Romunija, Rusija, Srbija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Združeno kraljestvo
  • Severna in Južna Amerika: Argentina, Brazilija, Kanada, Čile, Kolumbija, Kostarika, Mehika, Paragvaj, ZDA
  • Bližnji vzhod in Afrika: Izrael, Nigerija, Združeni arabski emirati, Južna Afrika
  • Azijsko-pacifiška regija: Avstralija, Azerbajdžan, Filipini, Hongkong, Indija, Indonezija, Japonska, Kazahstan, Malezija, Nova Zelandija, Singapur, Tajvan, Tajska, Vietnam, Južna Koreja


Surfshark offers a double VPN connection, giving you another layer of protection and security. By connecting via two different VPN servers, often located in two different countries, you can hide your location better and improve your privacy further. This feature is great for users that are hyper-sensitive about their online privacy. Keep in mind that a good VPN such as Surfshark will offer sufficient protection even if you only use their single VPN server. The best part? Like all of Surfshark’s features, MultiHop is easy to set up. Simply head to the Locations tab, select MultiHop at the top of the screen, and scroll to select your favorite pair.

Podpora za več / neomejeno napravo

While you’ll often see a limit to the number of devices under one VPN account, Surfshark boasts an unlimited devices feature. This means that you can have simultaneous connections on all of your family’s devices, protecting your privacy from every entrance point. You can connect smart TVs, gaming consoles, and even your FireStick with FireTV! Surfshark’s offer includes an ad blocker, torrenting, independent audits, and Whitelister, which many other VPNs don’t currently offer.

Ponujeni so bili številni strežniki v različnih državah

Surfshark ima več kot 1000 strežnikov v več kot 60 državah, kar vam omogoča dostop do najbolj zanesljivih in najhitrejši VPN strežnikov, hkrati pa še vedno zagotavlja najbolj varno povezavo. Prej sem omenil, da imajo pravilnik o ne-dnevnikih kot večina VPN-jev. Zagotavljajo tudi, da vsi strežniki podpirajo skupno rabo.

Hitrost Surfshark VPN

Speed testing is a necessity, since using a VPN has the possibility of slowing your connection. I tested the speed using Surfshark on four different servers. You will see the results below. For reference, prior to using the VPN, our benchmark speed test showed 237 Mbps download and 12 Mbps upload.

New York – US 

  • Ping: 57ms
  • Prenos: 161,18 Mbps
  • Nalaganje: 9,07 Mbps

Sydney – Australia

  • Ping: 211 ms
  • Prenos: 150,01 Mbps
  • Nalaganje: 5,44 Mbps

Paris – France

  • Ping: 108ms
  • Prenos: 170,77 Mbps
  • Nalaganje: 8,56 Mbps

The tests will have different results based on the time of day and node saturation. I attempted “Fastest Server” Connect via SurfShark to stack against these currently higher speeds from servers in different countries. To confirm my results, I connected to New York again, and speeds were faster than the first but just falling short of Toronto by 2 Mbps:

New York, Second Attempt – US

  • Ping: 17ms
  • Prenos: 181,62 Mbps
  • Nalaganje: 9,03 Mbps

Torrenting / P2P / TOR dovoljeno z Surfshark

VPN-ji za torrenting are practically a necessity to keep your anonymity when downloading or seeding torrents, and Surfshark claims that they’re the best VPN out there for that exact purpose. Your internet providers can throttle your connection speed based on the content you download or torrent, so a VPN helps you avoid this.

  • Uporaba omrežja VPN, še posebej med torrentingom, lahko nudi tudi zaščito pred morebitno preneseno zlonamerno programsko opremo. S Surfsharkom ni nič drugače. Toda Surfshark izstopa zaradi združljivosti z vsemi odjemalci P2P, vključno z uTorrent, BitTorrent, Vuze in številnimi drugimi.

Surfshark VPN is compatible with any torrent site, so you can access your favorite P2P sites without restrictions, such as ThePirateBay and LimeTorrents. You can get top-notch P2P speeds while using Surfshark’s servers in the following countries:

  • ZDA (ZDA) 
  • Združeno kraljestvo (UK) 
  • Kanada (CA) 
  • Nemčija (DE) 
  • Italija (IT) 
  • Poljska (PL) 
  • Španija (IS) 
  • Norveška (NE) 
  • Danska (DK) 
  • Luksemburg (LU) 
  • Hongkong (HK) 
  • Singapur (SG) 
  • Nizozemska (NL) 
  • Bolgarija (BG) 
  • Belgija (BE) 
  • Švica (CH) 
  • Slovaška (SK) 
  • Srbija (RS) 
  • Finska (FI)

This doesn’t mean you have to stick to these countries’ servers when torrenting, however. If you’d prefer, SurfShark can reroute you to other servers located in the Netherlands, Canada, or the United States, depending on your actual physical location.These P2P connections include streaming players like VLC or PopcornTime, as well as torrent software like BitTorrent, Vuze, or uTorrent.

Surfshark also allows for connection to the Tor network to fully secure your browsing experience. Tor is “the onion router,” which ensures that all of your online web traffic remains completely anonymous. Because the Tor network is run by volunteers, security is not always guaranteed. Running Tor with Surfshark grants you that anonymity with the security and safety of a reliable VPN.

Netflix deluje v večini krajev z Surfershark

You’re in luck, watching Netflix with Surfshark is easy as it gets. Surfshark is one of our best VPNs for Netflix. Netflix offers different content in different countries depending on where you are located. Using a VPN with Netflix allows you to access content you wouldn’t normally be able to watch. Here are the Netflix platforms you’ll find on their corresponding servers:

  • Netflix UK  > UK strežniki
  • Netflix IN > Indijski strežniki
  • Netflix IT > Italijanski strežniki
  • Netflix CA > Kanadski strežniki
  • Netflix DE > Nemški strežniki
  • Netflix AU > Avstralski strežniki
  • Netflix FR > Francoski strežniki
  • Netflix NL > Nizozemski strežniki
  • Netflix BR > Brazilijski strežniki
  • Netflix ZDA > Vsi strežniki v državah, ki niso Združeno kraljestvo, Japonska, Indija, Italija, Kanada, Nemčija, Koreja, Nizozemska, Turčija, Francija, Avstralija, Brazilija ali Singapur

Na splošno so vsi preizkušeni ameriški strežniki delali odlično. Pri testiranju na Japonskem in v Španiji sem imel nekaj težav.

Preizkušeni strežniki:

  • New York – US: Yes
  • Los Angeles – US: Yes
  • Miami – US: Yes
  • Atlanta – US: Yes
  • Chicago – US: Yes
  • Toronto – Canada: Yes
  • Madrid – Spain: No (proxy detected)
  • New Zealand: Yes
  • Japan: No (proxy detected)
  • London – UK: Yes
  • Mumbai – India: Yes

Kill Switch

This feature will turn off your internet connection immediately if the VPN drops for whatever reason, so that your data protection and privacy are never compromised. Surfshark’s Kill Switch option is available on Windows, macOS, and iOS. If you’re working with sensitive information or even torrenting, turning on the Kill Switch feature offers you extra security. As with everything with Surfshark, it’s extremely easy to use, as you’ll see below.

Korak 1. V aplikaciji Surfshark pojdite na Settings> Connectivity.

2. korak: Vklopite ga in aktiviran je. Če iz nekega razloga prekinete povezavo, se prikaže obvestilo in vaš dostop do interneta bo takoj ukinjen.

Brez pravil sečnje

Ko uporabljate VPN, a politika brez dnevnika bi moralo biti standardno, saj tako preprečuje zbiranje in shranjevanje vaših podatkov, zgodovine, naslova IP, prometa in časovnih žigov povezave. Surfshark ščiti ves promet s šifriranjem AES-256-GCM, ki je vodilni v industriji. To tudi preprečuje, da bi vaš promet trpel zaradi kakršnega koli puščanja IP, WebRTC ali DNS. Osebni podatki, ki jih Surfshark priznava za shranjevanje, so vaši podatki za prijavo (e-poštni naslov in šifrirano geslo) in vaši osnovni podatki za obračun, da ustvarite svoj račun.

  • They also mention that they collect anonymous information such as performance data and crash reports on the apps to continuously improve your experience using their VPN. See their privacy policy for more information.

Način brez meja

Depending on where you may be located while browsing the Internet, certain sites can be blocked or restricted. Surfshark’s No Borders mode opens up the internet for you to freely browse, unblocked, without geo-restrictions. From streaming platforms to government-based censored content, you’ll be able to explore with unlimited access.

Zasebni DNS in zaščita pred uhajanjem

Vsak strežnik ima zasebni DNS in zaščito pred uhajanjem pri uporabi sklada IPv4. To ustvarja še eno stopnjo varnosti.

Kamuflažni način

What I do love about Surfshark is their camouflage mode, which makes your traffic appear normal to avoid suspicion from your provider that you’re using a VPN, so you can browse in peace.

Skrij svoj IP

Samo vaš naslov IP lahko VELIKO pove o vas, vključno z vašo fizično lokacijo. Uporaba omrežja VPN je najlažji in najvarnejši način za prikrivanje vašega IP-ja. S Surfsharkom ga preprosto prijava in povezava samodejno skrije, vaši podatki, zgodovina in lokacija pa ostanejo zasebni.


Surfshark uporablja v industriji vodilno šifriranje AES-256-GCM, zato ste lahko prepričani, da so vaši podatki zaščiteni.

Varni protokoli

Their default protocol on all their apps is IKEv2/IPsec, which is often a standard on the leading VPNs. However, OpenVPN is also an option with Surfshark.

Klepet v živo, 24 ur na dan, pogosta vprašanja in vadnice

Surfshark ima odlično platformo za podporo strankam, ki vam omogoča iskanje po podporni dokumentaciji in sprehod skozi vadnice o tem, kako uporabljati njihov VPN in njegove funkcije. Če naletite na težavo ali imate neodgovorjeno vprašanje, je njihova skupina za podporo na voljo prek klepeta v živo ali e-pošte 24 ur na dan.

Je Surfshark enostaven za uporabo?

Surfshark is really easy to use — its app has a clean, intuitive layout and is suitable even for VPN beginners. It functions almost completely the same way on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, which makes it simple to use across platforms. That means you don’t have to waste time getting used to 4 completely different apps if you own multiple devices. The app is available in 15 languages, including Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.

  • I especially liked that the advanced settings and features menus include a little description under every option explaining what each feature/setting does. It’s also super handy to be able to save your favorite servers for easy access later. There are a few minor things I would like to see improved with Surfshark. The auto-connect feature could be better I experienced slightly faster speeds manually selecting a server a lot of the time.

It would also be helpful to include a P2P server list, like with MultiHop and Static Servers, to make choosing a specific torrenting-optimized one more straightforward. I found it difficult to find individual server information (like server load and ping time) on Windows and Android. This is something I like to see because it helps me choose the fastest server possible. After contacting customer support about this issue, they informed me that you must be disconnected from the VPN to see this information.

Surfshark VPN Cons

I found very little information about Surfshark’s physical location, so their lack of transparency can be a cause for concern, as you’ll see in their response to this question below. They mention that they are under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands, a region away from the 14 Eyes, but don’t specify where. Don’t worry though, a lot of companies in the industry do that – look at ExpressVPN and NordVPN.

Načrt cen

Surfshark ponuja enega najnižjih cenovnih paketov, kar sem jih videl, s samo $2,49 USD na mesec, če se prijavite na njihov 24-mesečni paket. Tudi če se ukvarjate z dolgoročno zavezo, ponujajo 30-dnevno garancijo vračila denarja. Videli boste, da ponujajo 1-mesečne in 12-mesečne načrte tudi po višji ceni, če bi vas zanimala kratkoročna možnost.

  • 30 dni: $12,95 na mesec = $155,40 na leto
  • 6 mesecev: $6,49 na mesec = $77,88 na leto
  • 24 mesecev: $2,49 na mesec

Za načine plačila Surfshark ponuja prilagodljivost. Plačate lahko z različnimi možnostmi, vključno s Paypalom, Apple Payom, kripto valuto in Alipayom

Garancija vračila denarja

Ponujajo 30-dnevno garancijo vračila denarja, tudi na svojem 24-mesečnem načrtu. Dokler vaš račun ne krši njihovih pogojev storitve, se obrnite na njihovo skupino za podporo strankam in zahtevajte vračilo kupnine.

Brezplačen preizkus

Surfshark v resnici nima a »brezplačni« preizkusni VPN, vendar ponujajo naročnino brez tveganja za 30 dni. Če v teh 30 dneh niste zadovoljni, lahko preprosto zahtevate vračilo. Edina prava »brezplačna« preskusna različica je prek Google Play ali Apple App Store. Podatke o kreditni kartici morate navesti vnaprej, vendar vam ne bomo bremenili, dokler ne poteče 7-dnevno preskusno obdobje. Takrat vam bomo zaračunali, če se odločite nadaljevati.

Bi priporočili Surfshark?

Bil sem izjemno pozitivno presenečen, ko sem prvič uporabil Surfshark. Novi ponudniki VPN niso vedno visokokakovostni, toda s Surfsharkom je temu tako. Surfshark je fantastičen ponudnik VPN, ki zagotovo ni slabši od ponudnikov, kot je NordVPN in ExpressVPN. On top of that, Surfshark is also very inexpensive. So as far as I'm concerned, Surfshark is definitely the best choice for novice VPN users.

  • 100% priporočamo Surfshark. Od vseh konkurentov ima najboljšo vrednost in vam ponuja vse, kar bi moral imeti vrhunski VPN: več naprednih varnostnih funkcij, zanesljivo omrežje in hitrosti, dosledne zmožnosti odblokiranja ter močna zavezanost k zasebnosti in varnosti uporabnikov. 
  • Zelo sem bil navdušen nad podporo strankam Surfsharka in njegovo stopnjo preglednosti, medtem ko sem prebral tudi njegovo politiko zasebnosti. Poleg tega je ena njegovih največjih prodajnih točk, da lahko hkrati povežete neomejeno število naprav, zaradi česar je njegova primerljivo nižja cena še bolj vredna.
Yes, Surfshark is incredibly safe to use. Surfshark offers AES-256 bit encryption, which is uncrackable. This is the level of encryption used by militaries and governments around the world to protect sensitive data. Surfshark also has a strict no-logs policy — they don’t store any identifiable user data. Since they also use RAM-only servers, any data that could be stored is wiped clean every time you disconnect the VPN anyway.
Yes! I got Surfshark to unblock Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and BBC iPlayer. I could access 20+ Netflix libraries, 2 Amazon Prime Video libraries, and unblocked BBC iPlayer on every UK server. I also successfully unblocked more than 15 other popular streaming platforms.
Yes. Surfshark has features specifically designed to bypass internet restrictions in China (and other restrictive countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the UAE). However, sometimes the app has issues connecting. Surfshark customer support informed me that there is a manual connection method that will get Surfshark up and running in China in every case.
As many as you want. One of the best parts about Surfshark is that it offers unlimited simultaneous device connections under a single subscription. It’s perfect for families or sharing the VPN with friends.
Yes, Surfshark has native apps for FireTV and FireStick. You can download them from the Amazon App Store. Surfshark doesn’t offer native apps for Apple TV or other smart TVs, but you can use its Smart DNS feature to easily unblock US-based streaming content on these devices. It only took me 2 minutes to set this up.

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Kako prenesti VPN

A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. The VPN software encrypts your internet traffic and sends your data via a secure connection to a remote server. From there, the data traffic is sent back onto the

Preberi več

Mi pri jih že vrsto let uporabljamo, da ostanemo anonimni v spletu. Odločili smo se, da bomo ustvarili osrednje mesto, kjer boste našli priročne vodnike za VPN in zanesljive in zanesljive ocene ponudnikov VPN

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