Kaj je VPN?

To je najboljši vodnik za začetnike po VPN-jih. Ugotovite, kaj je VPN in kako deluje. Poskušal sem narediti čim bolj poglobljeno (in preprosto). VPN-ji se lahko na začetku zdijo zapleteni, vendar so dejansko enostavni za uporabo. Demistificirali jih bomo, kaj lahko storijo za vas, zakaj prav vi res bi jih morali uporabljati in kako vsi delujejo pod pokrovom. Poleg tega vam bomo na poti dali nekaj priporočil, ki vam bodo pomagala izbrati najboljši VPN za vaše potrebe.

Kako deluje VPN?

Tukaj je, kako VPN deluje za vas, uporabnika. Odjemalca VPN (programsko opremo) zaženete iz svoje storitve VPN. Ta programska oprema šifrira vaše podatke, še preden jih vidi vaš ponudnik internetnih storitev ali ponudnik WiFi v kavarni. Podatki nato gredo v VPN, iz strežnika VPN pa na vašo spletno destinacijo, od spletnega mesta vaše banke do spletnega mesta za izmenjavo videoposnetkov do iskalnika. Spletni cilj vidi vaše podatke, kot da prihajajo iz strežnika VPN in njegove lokacije, in ne iz vašega računalnika in vaše lokacije.

Kako je povezava videti brez omrežja VPN?

When you connect to the web without a VPN, here’s how your connection looks: The internet is a collection of servers responsible for storing websites and serving them to anyone who wants to view them. Those servers talk with each other all the time, including sharing your data with each other to ultimately let you browse a page. Great for you to be able to surf, but not great for privacy.

Going online is like taking a commercial airline flight. The ticket agent, baggage handlers, security personnel, and flight attendants all need pieces of data to get you routed between cities. A similar exchange of information happens on the web. If it’s just a fun website that you’re looking at then no need to worry. It doesn’t matter if someone sees your data. But if it’s online banking, business email, or anything else that’s a bit more sensitive it’s a different story, especially if you are z uporabo brezplačnega VPN ali enega od najcenejši ponudniki VPN.

Now, here’s how the same connection looks with a VPN enabled:

  • Ciljno mesto vidi strežnik VPN kot izvor prometa, ne vi.
  • No one can (easily) identify you or your computer as the source of the data, nor what you’re doing (what websites you’re visiting, what data you’re transferring, etc.).
  • Your data is encrypted, so even if someone does look at what you’re sending, they only see encrypted information and not raw data.

As you would imagine, such a scenario is much safer than connecting to the web the traditional way. But how secure is it exactly? Let’s find out:

Kako varen je VPN?

Varnost VPN povzroča razprave med IT-strokovnjaki in drugimi v panogi, nobena od storitev pa ni enaka v svoji ponudbi ali varnosti. Dva glavna dejavnika sta:

  • Omejitve vrste tehnologije VPN, ki jo uporablja ponudnik.
  • Pravne in politične omejitve, ki vplivajo na to, kaj je mogoče storiti s to tehnologijo. Zakoni države, v kateri se nahajata strežnik in podjetje, ki zagotavlja VPN, ter lastne politike podjetja vplivajo na to, kako podjetje izvaja to tehnologijo v svojih storitvah.

VPN protokoli

VPN protocols define how the service handles data transmission over a VPN. The most common protocols are PPTP, L2TP, SSTP, IKEV2, and OpenVPN. Here’s a brief overview:

  • PPTP (protokol predvajanja od točke do točke). To je eden najstarejših uporabljenih protokolov, ki ga je prvotno zasnoval Microsoft. Prednosti: deluje na starih računalnikih, je del operacijskega sistema Windows in ga je enostavno nastaviti. Proti: po današnjih standardih je komaj varen. Izogibajte se ponudniku, če je to edini ponujeni protokol.
  • L2TP / IPsec (protokol predvajanja sloja 2). To je kombinacija PPTP in Ciscovega protokola L2F. Koncept tega protokola je dober – uporablja ključe za vzpostavitev varne povezave na vsakem koncu vašega podatkovnega tunela – vendar izvedba ni zelo varna. Dodatek protokola IPsec nekoliko izboljša varnost, vendar obstajajo poročila o domnevni sposobnosti NSA, da prekine ta protokol in vidi, kaj se prenaša. Ne glede na to, ali to res drži, je morda dovolj, da se temu izognemo, če sploh obstaja razprava.
  • SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol). To je še en protokol, ki ga je izdelal Microsoft. Povezava je vzpostavljena z nekaj šifriranja SSL/TLS ( de facto dandanes standard za spletno šifriranje). Moč SSL in TLS temelji na kriptografiji s simetričnimi ključi; nastavitev, v kateri lahko samo obe strani, ki sodelujeta pri prenosu, dekodirata podatke znotraj. Na splošno je SSTP zelo varna rešitev.
  • IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange, različica 2). To je še en protokol, ki ga je izdelal Microsoft. Gre za ponovitev prejšnjih Microsoftovih protokolov in pri tem veliko bolj varnega. Zagotavlja vam nekaj najboljše varnosti.
  • OpenVPN. To vzame tisto, kar je najboljše v zgornjih protokolih, in odpravi večino pomanjkljivosti. Temelji na SSL/TLS in je odprtokodni projekt, kar pomeni, da ga na stotine razvijalcev nenehno izboljšuje. Povezavo zavaruje z uporabo ključev, ki jih poznata samo obe sodelujoči strani na obeh straneh prenosa. Na splošno je to najbolj vsestranski in varen protokol.

Generally speaking, most VPNs allow you to select the protocol you use. The more secure protocol you connect through (OpenVPN, IKEv2), the more secure your whole session will be. Unfortunately, not all devices will allow you to use all these protocols. Since most of them were built by Microsoft, you’ll be able to use them on all Windows PCs. VPN's For Apple MacOS devices, boste naleteli na nekatere omejitve.

Osnove šifriranja

Na kratko, šifriranje deluje tako:

  1. Začenši z navadnimi podatki
  2. Uporaba ključa (tajne kode) za pretvorbo podatkov
  3. Končanje s šifriranimi podatki

The encrypted data is only readable by someone with the original key used to encrypt the data. Modern encryption algorithms work on this principle, with the second step being very complex and worthy of doctoral- level research. What you need to look for is your data being encrypted with the AES algorithm of at least 128 bits. Many of the top VPNs out there go a step above that and offer AES-256 encryption, including NordVPN (review), Surfshark (review) and ExpressVPN (review). Your VPN can be super secure, but it all comes down to the connection protocol the encryption mechanism used to handle your information.

Vsa dobra podjetja VPN bodo naredila vse, kar je v njihovi moči, da zaščitijo vaše podatke, vašo zasebnost in vašo splošno varnost na spletu. Upoštevajte, da zanje še vedno velja zakon v jurisdikciji, v kateri so, kar lahko vpliva na njihovo storitev. Glede na lokalno zakonodajo države, v kateri je bil VPN ustanovljen, je lahko podjetje s sodnim nalogom prisiljeno, da deli vse zapise, ki jih ima v zvezi z vašo dejavnostjo – in med državami lahko obstajajo mednarodni sporazumi za izmenjavo informacij v teh primerih.

  • If you do enough research, you may find a VPN established in a country that doesn’t have any such agreements in place with your country. So in the end, you are only secure with a VPN if it’s not only pripravljen in tehnično sposoben of keeping your information safe and private, but also if it’s zakonsko dovoljeno to do it. Let’s tackle this topic a bit more broadly and focus on answering the general question:

Z eno besedo, da. Ampak ne vedno. Prvič, VPN kot koncept je nekoliko nov v "pravnih letih", tako da vsem jurisdikcijam ni uspelo slediti. To pomeni, da so pravila nejasna in jih je mogoče razlagati na več načinov. Na splošno se zdi, da je VPN-je v redu za uporabo v večini držav, zlasti v ZDA, Kanadi, Združenem kraljestvu in preostali zahodni Evropi. (Pomembno! Tukaj je pomembna vaša fizična lokacija pri uporabi VPN-ja.) 

  • Na splošno VPN-ji pogosto niso v redu na Kitajskem, v Turčiji, Iraku, Združenih arabskih emiratih, Belorusiji, Omanu, Rusiji, Iranu, Severni Koreji in Turkmenistanu. Če želite izvedeti več o zakonitosti VPN-ja v vaši državi, poiščite zakone vaše lokalne vlade.

Ali me VPN naredi popolnoma anonimnim v spletu?

In a word, no. But the extent to which it does is still impressive. Without a VPN, your connection is fully open, and your ISP, the cafe WiFi router, any server along the way, or a person with the right tools can look at your data. Using a VPN solves many of those problems by encrypting your transmission and making it appear as if it’s the server itself that’s making the connection and not you.

Za lažje ugotavljanje obsega vaše anonimnosti raziščite naslednje.

  • Ali služba vodi dnevnike?
  • The jurisdiction under which the VPN is established. In some cases, they might be legally forced to keep records. What happens when a  government comes asking questions?
  • Ali služba vodi evidenco plačil? Ali ti zapisi vključujejo identifikacijske podatke?
  • Ali obstaja dovolj šifriranja in varen protokol povezave?

Vsak VPN vas ne bo zaščitil enako. Če se pametno odločite, lahko odpravite zgoraj opisane pomisleke. Tukaj je naša primerjava najboljših VPN-jev na trgu, ki vam bo pomagala.

Politike beleženja VPN

Dnevniki, ki jih hrani VPN, bistveno vplivajo na stopnjo anonimnosti in zasebnosti z njihovo storitvijo. Dnevniki, ki jih lahko vodi ponudnik, vključujejo:

  • aktivnost uporabnika
  • Naslovi IP
  • časovni žigi za povezavo / odklop
  • uporabljene naprave
  • dnevniki plačil

Zaradi takšnih dnevnikov ste nekoliko manj anonimni, saj je vaš IP mogoče povezati z določeno sejo brskanja, ki ste jo imeli. Seveda je vezanje tega osebno zelo težko, a vseeno nekako izvedljivo, če je kakšna agencija dovolj namerna. 

Overall, the fewer logs your provider keeps the better, with “no logs” the ideal. Be careful. Many services state you have privacy on their sales material, but you need to look at their privacy policy to see their fine print and what data they actually keep, or they will state that their country does not require data retention yet they do not state their own data retention policy. 

Brezplačna VPN v primerjavi s plačano VPN

Running a good VPN service costs serious money — robust servers, data transfer, infrastructure, employees, and so on. If the service is offered for free, consider what compromises may have been made. Are they logging activity for their own reasons? Are they displaying their own ads? Is your data being sold to a third party? Paying for a VPN isn’t a huge investment. We’ve tested some great solutions for as little as $3-5 per month, which doesn’t seem a lot in exchange for peace of mind and improved online privacy.

Koliko stane VPN?

The average out of 70 popular VPNs is $4.99 a month, which tells you a lot about what sort of an expense this usually is. VPNs that cost more than $10 are uncommon, and there’s not a lot of reason to buy them since there are more cheap VPN solutions out there. 

Most services give out big discounts if you’re willing to subscribe for two to three years up front, instead of renewing your subscription monthly. For example, NordVPN — a VPN that we very much enjoy — costs $11.95 if paid monthly, but you can grab their 3-year plan for just $3.49/month (that’s 70% off). We have a more in-depth pricing comparison table here. If you’re strapped for cash, you can also check out our reviews of the bestVPNs in najhitrejši VPN.

Ali lahko uporabim VPN za torrenting?

Na splošno ja, vendar je to odvisno od posebne storitve, ki jo uporabljate, in tudi od vrste stvari, ki jih prenašate. Torrenting je običajno ime za določeno protokola uporablja za prenos podatkov in datotek prek spleta, ne pa tudi dejanskih vrste datotek. Čeprav na splošno dobi veliko slabih medijev, je povsem v redu in zakonito, če prenašate datoteke, do katerih imate pravice. Po drugi strani je piratstvo popolnoma nezakonito, ne glede na orodja, ki jih uporabljate za to. Želite izvedeti več? Potem read our VPN's for torrenting guide.

  • Then, there’s the VPN’s own policy regarding torrenting and how it’s handled. Most of the quality VPN solutions in the market will allow torrenting. According to our research, you can torrent with all popular VPNs like Nord VPN, Express VPN, Surfshark, VyprVPN in PIA. When it comes to the security aspect of torrenting, it all comes down to the VPN’s policies regarding things like logging or sharing your user data. In general, if a VPN doesn’t keep logs overall they also don’t keep them for your torrent activity.
  • Še en vidik, ki ga je vredno upoštevati pri izbiri VPN-ja za hudournik, so hitrosti prenosa, ki jih storitev lahko ponudi. Seveda je tovrstne informacije težko dobiti; največkrat to ugotovite šele, ko kupite VPN.

Ali lahko uporabljam VPN za gledanje Netflixa in Huluja?

da. Toda tako kot pri večini stvari na tem seznamu je vse odvisno od določenega VPN-ja, ki ga uporabljate. Težava z Netflixom na splošno je, da čeprav je zdaj na voljo v več kot 130 državah, niso vse oddaje enakomerno porazdeljene. Zaradi zapletenih licenčnih pogodb, ki so bile sklenjene pred velikim mednarodnim uvajanjem Netflixa, različne TV postaje obdržijo pravice celo do nekaterih lastnih Netflixovih oddaj, kar Netflixu dejansko preprečuje, da bi te oddaje zakonito dal na voljo na svoji platformi. Želite izvedeti več? Nato preberite naš vodič z the top Netflix VPN's.

  1. Complicated legal stuff, but VPNs can help here.The way Netflix and Hulu block some of their content in parts of the globe is based on location filters. Meaning that if you’re in a country that’s banned, you’re banned. VPNs make this easy to fix. 
  2. Since you can select the server that you want to connect with, all you need to do to unlock certain Netflix shows is connect to a server in a country where that show is available. That’s all. We have a comprehensive post on how to watch Netflix via a VPN + the best VPNs that allow you to do that.

Ali VPN deluje v sistemih Android in iOS?

Again, that’s a yes. Many of the top VPN services out there also let you download mobile apps for either Android or iOS. Here are our best VPNs for Android: NordVPN, ExpressVPN, and Surfshark. Both platforms let you set up a VPN connection rather easily. For instance, on iPhone, you can do that in Settings → General → VPN. With all that being said, be careful if you’re tempted by any of the free VPN apps for either Android or iOS. 

Ali VPN deluje na Kodi / SmartTV?

Vaši pametni televizorji in škatle Kodi so še več stvari, ki zahtevajo internetno povezavo v živo, da vam priskrbijo njihove dobrote. In s tem, a Kodi VPN ponudnik vam lahko pomaga ohraniti te tokove zasebne, tako da samo vi in sama storitev veste, kaj gledate.

VPN povezavo lahko na pametnem televizorju omogočite na dva načina:

  • Konfigurirajte v sami napravi,
  • Konfigurirajte ga neposredno na usmerjevalniku – učinkovito zaščitite celotno domače omrežje in vse, kar je z njim povezano (to bomo obravnavali v naslednjem razdelku spodaj).

Let’s focus on the former here. In overall, many of the quality VPNs come with the ability to configure them right on your smart TV. For example, NordVPN — which is one of our recommended VPNs — comes with an app for Android TV, and also with detailed instructions for Kodi/OpenELEC and Apple TV. Other VPNs in the market provide you with similar options. Some of the networks that support smart TV devices and boxes: NordVPN, Surfshark, ExpressVPN.

Kako na svoj usmerjevalnik namestim VPN?

This is the best way to make sure everything that’s connected to that router is put through a safe VPN connection. In that scenario, you no longer need to install individual apps on your mobile devices, laptops, smart TVs or anything else with web access. First, make sure that your router is compatible with VPNs. This can be done on the website of the manufacturer that produced najboljši usmerjevalnik VPN. Večina usmerjevalnikov Flash DD-WRT in Tomato, ki jih podpirajo Tomato, je združljivih z omrežji VPN.

  • For example, here’s how to do this if you’re with NordVPN, and here’s ExpressVPN, and PIA. We also have an example demonstration of how it’s done on most DD-WRT routers on this page. Installation is simple and involves you logging in to your router and then filling out a couple of standard forms, nothing you won’t be able to handle.


Čeprav se Tor in VPN bistveno razlikujeta, jih je še vedno mogoče uporabljati skupaj za največjo varnost in spletno zasebnost.

  • Tor vam omogoča dostop do spleta z usmerjanjem povezave skozi številna naključna vozlišča, hkrati pa šifrira to povezavo na vsaki stopnji.
  • VPN vam omogoča dostop do enega strežnika hkrati.

The nature of it is a bit different in principle, and therefore we can’t say things like “Tor or VPN is better than the other.” We talked about the differences between Tor and VPN in detail on this site already, feel free to visit that post to get the full picture. One of the good things about Tor is that you can use it 100% free and there are no built-in limitations to that free version. All you need to do is grab the official Tor web browser. Once you have it, you just need to fire it up like your standard Chrome or Firefox browser, click the connect button, and you’re up and running.

Kako združiti VPN in Tor:

  1. Običajno omogočite povezavo VPN. Od tega trenutka naprej vse, kar vključuje komunikacijo s spletom, poteka prek vašega VPN.
  2. Odprite brskalnik Tor in se povežite s Torom.

At this stage, you have the VPN connection and the Tor web browser running at the same time. The main downside with such a setup is that it’s going to be much slower than your standard, VPN-only connection. Tor on its own slows down your experience noticeably, and when combined with a VPN, the results can be even more dramatic. On the plus side, it gives you super zasebnost, kar je velik plus.

Kill Switch funkcionalnost

A kill switch is a feature that automatically kills your internet access if the encrypted, safe connection should ever drop. If there’s any connectivity issue at all, the kill switch will trigger and block all activity until the secure connection returns. If your VPN doesn’t have a kill switch and a connectivity issue arises, it’s probable your device might attempt to restore the standard, unprotected connection, thus exposing what you’ve been doing up until that point. According to our research, the following VPNs have a kill switch: NordVPN, Surfshark, ExpressVPN, PIA.

Puščanje IP

IP leaks are a known vulnerability with some setups people use to access the web. It’s not entirely a VPN problem at its core. IP leaks can happen when your VPN fails to hide your actual IP as you’re browsing the web. For example, you want to access a geo-restricted show on Netflix, so you change the server to an approved country and reload the page. 

  • Potem ugotoviš, da je vsebina še vedno blokirana. To pomeni, da je vaš pravi IP morda pravkar pricurljal. Vsi najboljši VPN-ji imajo v svojih programih programirane nekaj pametnih skriptov, da to tveganje čim bolj zmanjšajo. 
  • As I mentioned, your IP leaking is not always the VPN’s fault. Sometimes the configuration of your computer and the many apps within are to blame. Even the browser you use and the add-ons installed in it can cause IP leaks.

Kdaj uporabiti VPN

Obstaja več tehtnih razlogov za uporabo VPN:

  • Šifrira vašo dejavnost v spletu.
  • Skriva vašo dejavnost pred vsemi, ki bi jih to zanimalo.
  • Skriva vašo lokacijo in vam omogoča dostop do geoblokirane vsebine (npr. Na Netflixu in drugih spletnih mestih).
  • Naredi vas bolj anonimne v spletu.
  • Pomaga vam zaščititi povezavo pri uporabi javne dostopne točke WiFi.
  • Na splošno uporabite VPN, če so vam pomembna spletna zasebnost, varnost in anonimnost. Približno $3-5 na mesec je majhna cena za vse to.

Kdaj ne uporabljati VPN

Naj se to sliši predvidljivo, vendar res ne vidimo nobenega dobrega razloga, da ne bi uporabljali VPN-ja, če svojo spletno varnost in zasebnost jemljete resno. VPN-ji so neverjetno uporabni kot drugo plast varnosti poleg protokolov SSL na spletnih mestih, imeti dober protivirusni program, ne prenašati senčne programske opreme, ne deliti preveč zasebnih informacij na družbenih medijih itd. Na splošno so vaš naslednji korak k bolj zavestni uporabi spleta in z ustreznimi previdnostnimi ukrepi.

  • There are not many downsides to them. Perhaps the only one being that your connection can sometimes slow down. After all, you’re routing your data through an extra server. When you use a VPN service, your data is encrypted (because you’re using their app), goes in encrypted form to your ISP then to the VPN server. 

Strežnik VPN je tretja oseba, ki se v vašem imenu poveže s spletom. To rešuje problem zasebnosti in varnosti na več načinov:

  • Though it’s the standard, this sort of connection has some flaws. All of your data is out there in the open, and any interested party can peek at what you’re sending.A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a service that lets you access the web safely and privately by routing your connection through a  server and hiding your online actions.

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Kako prenesti VPN

A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. The VPN software encrypts your internet traffic and sends your data via a secure connection to a remote server. From there, the data traffic is sent back onto the

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