Surfshark VPN (2001) Panduan ulasan
Apakah Anda mencari yang baru? VPN hiu selancar ulasan? Itu logis, beberapa tahun terakhir layanan ini telah mendapatkan popularitas yang sangat besar, hampir 30% pengguna internet telah menggunakan layanan VPN selama 5 tahun terakhir. Kami di menguji dan mencoba semua penyedia berbeda untuk Anda, baca Surfshark VPN kami yang komprehensif review and learn everything about this service, we are sure that once you’re done reading you will know if this provider suits you.
Siapa dan apa itu Surfshark?
Is Surfshark really “eating other VPN deals alive” as they say? In this Surfshark review, I’ll see if they’ve got what it takes for them to live up to that slogan or if they’ll be swallowed by the competition. Surfshark has a no-log policy, kill-switch feature, as well as a camouflage mode to make your internet browsing activity look normal to your internet provider.
- VPN ini menawarkan fitur teratas yang Anda inginkan dari VPN yang andal, aman, dan mudah digunakan. Sebagai VPN yang lebih baru, tampaknya menjadi salah satu dari termurah di pasaran hanya dengan $2.49 USD per bulan jika Anda mendaftar untuk paket 24 bulan.
- Along with unlimited device usage and 15 Netflix libraries, you might wonder why their price is so good, especially with three months free. Let’s dive in to see if Surfshark really is at the top of the food chain in dunia VPN Netflix.
One of Surfshark's focal points is its low price. The company has a no-log policy and does so for less money than many other VPNs. But does that make Surfshark a better choice than, say, PureVPN, VPN Ekspres atau NordVPN? Baca lebih lanjut dan cari tahu apakah penyedia ini milik layanan VPN terbaik tahun 2021.
Apa kelebihan dan kelebihannya?
- Sangat mudah digunakan dan mudah dipasang.
- Dapat digunakan pada jumlah perangkat yang tidak terbatas (ini cukup unik).
- Protokol aman dan tidak ada log.
- Harga sangat bersaing.
- Penawaran Netflix besar tersedia, termasuk Netflix Amerika dan Belanda.
- Lalu lintas torrent diperbolehkan.
- Kecepatan koneksi yang baik.
- Memiliki opsi tambahan yang berguna seperti AdBlocker, NoBorders Mode, Camouflage Mode, GPS spoofing dan Whitelister (Split tunneling).
Bagaimana cara kerja Surfshark?
For any new VPN user, Surfshark is simple to install and activate. By following the steps below, you’ll see that the setup process is user-friendly and quick. As a brand-new user, you’ll be prompted to create an account or log in with an existing one before installing Surfshark. Once installed, Surfshark walks you through the setup process. I’ve listed each step for you below, although I truly think a beginner would feel comfortable installing and activating Surfshark on their own.
Langkah 1:
Pilih bahasa pilihan Anda.
Langkah 2:
Pilih di mana Anda ingin perangkat lunak disimpan di disk Anda. Ingat, penginstalan membutuhkan ruang kosong 32MB, jadi pastikan ini tersedia sebelum Anda mulai.
Langkah 3:
Jalankan perangkat lunak yang diunduh untuk menyelesaikan instalasi dan memulai aktivasi. Salah satu keunggulan Surfshark VPN adalah perangkat lunak mereka sangat kecil, ramping, dan mudah digunakan. Antarmukanya sangat ramah pengguna dan dapat diminimalkan lebih jauh dengan apa yang mereka sebut "mode mini", seperti yang akan Anda lihat pada tangkapan layar di bawah. Setelah Anda berhasil menginstal Surfshark, cukup klik "sambungkan" untuk terhubung ke server tercepat yang tersedia:
Surfshark memiliki banyak fitur bagus
With Surfshark’s CleanWeb built-in adblocker feature, you won’t have to worry about malware or phishing attempts. Combine that with a pleasant and uninterrupted browsing experience that doesn’t slow down your bandwidth. No more annoying ads or pop-ups, but most importantly, you’re protected from any attempts to gain access to your information and tracking.
To automatically detect malware, Surfshark consistently updates their database of malware-infected websites and prevents you from accessing them. At the time of my research, they had detected over 1 million infected sites, but rest assured that you’re protected with their VPN and CleanWeb feature. The CleanWeb feature is available on Windows, macOS VPN, Android, dan iOS.
daftar putih
With Whitelister, you can split-tunnel your VPN to personalize your browsing experience. You can set certain sites and IP addresses to bypass the VPN completely by creating a “white list.”
- This allows you to control the privacy and security of the websites you truly need protection for, while allowing other safe sites to connect directly to the internet. If you’re on a private connection, this can be a great tool to use.
Namun, berhati-hatilah. Daftar putih situs atau alamat IP apa pun dapat membuat Anda terbuka untuk koneksi tidak aman tanpa enkripsi.
- The benefit of a feature like this can be appreciated when setting up network devices, such as a printer or scanner, to avoid the additional hassle of setting them up through the VPN. It can also eliminate the need to turn on and off the VPN by simply adding your favorite secure sites to your white list. Privacy beyond VPN includes premium features such as HackLock—email leak protection—and BlindSearch—private search— as you’ll see in the screenshot below. At an additional $0.99 USD per month, you can add this to your current Surfshark subscription by clicking “more info.”
Surfshark is extremely usable, and most features can be customized. As for server locations, you can easily favorite and toggle between servers via the Locations tab. You could choose the “fastest server” or “closest country,” and this option allows you the additional personalization to choose your favorites.
Jaringan server Surfshark
This is our conclusions regarding Surfshark's server network and locations:
- Surfshark memiliki jaringan server yang bagus dengan 3200+ server yang tersebar di 65 negara
- Semua server Surfshark kompatibel dengan pengunduhan (P2P)
- You don't have to manually choose a P2P server
- Ada banyak server AS yang tampaknya berfungsi dengan Netflix
- Dimungkinkan untuk terhubung melalui dua server VPN secara bersamaan (MultiHop)
- Anda tidak dapat meminta alamat IP khusus dengan Surfshark
- Surfshark memiliki 3200+ server yang tersebar di 65 negara. Mereka memiliki server di negara-negara berikut:
- Eropa: Albania, Austria, Belgia, Bosnia dan Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Siprus, Republik Ceko, Denmark, Estonia, Finlandia, Prancis, Jerman, Yunani, Hongaria, Irlandia, Islandia, Italia, Kroasia, Latvia, Luksemburg, Moldova, Belanda, Utara Makedonia, Norwegia, Ukraina, Polandia, Portugal, Rumania, Rusia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spanyol, Swedia, Swiss, Inggris Raya
- Amerika Utara dan Selatan: Argentina, Brasil, Kanada, Chili, Kolombia, Kosta Rika, Meksiko, Paraguay, Amerika Serikat
- Timur Tengah dan Afrika: Israel, Nigeria, Uni Emirat Arab, Afrika Selatan
- Wilayah Asia-Pasifik: Australia, Azerbaijan, Filipina, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Jepang, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Selandia Baru, Singapura, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea Selatan
Surfshark offers a double VPN connection, giving you another layer of protection and security. By connecting via two different VPN servers, often located in two different countries, you can hide your location better and improve your privacy further. This feature is great for users that are hyper-sensitive about their online privacy. Keep in mind that a good VPN such as Surfshark will offer sufficient protection even if you only use their single VPN server. The best part? Like all of Surfshark’s features, MultiHop is easy to set up. Simply head to the Locations tab, select MultiHop at the top of the screen, and scroll to select your favorite pair.
Dukungan Perangkat Banyak/Tidak Terbatas
While you’ll often see a limit to the number of devices under one VPN account, Surfshark boasts an unlimited devices feature. This means that you can have simultaneous connections on all of your family’s devices, protecting your privacy from every entrance point. You can connect smart TVs, gaming consoles, and even your FireStick with FireTV! Surfshark’s offer includes an ad blocker, torrenting, independent audits, and Whitelister, which many other VPNs don’t currently offer.
Banyak Server di Berbagai Negara Ditawarkan
Surfshark memiliki lebih dari 1.000 server di lebih dari 60 negara, memberi Anda akses ke server yang paling andal dan VPN tercepat server sambil tetap menyediakan koneksi yang paling aman. Saya sebutkan sebelumnya bahwa mereka memiliki kebijakan larangan masuk seperti kebanyakan VPN. Mereka juga memastikan bahwa semua server mendukung berbagi peer-to-peer.
Kecepatan VPN Surfshark
Speed testing is a necessity, since using a VPN has the possibility of slowing your connection. I tested the speed using Surfshark on four different servers. You will see the results below. For reference, prior to using the VPN, our benchmark speed test showed 237 Mbps download and 12 Mbps upload.
New York – US
- Ping: 57ms
- Unduh: 161,18 Mbps
- Unggah: 9,07 Mbps
Sydney – Australia
- Ping: 211ms
- Unduh: 150,01 Mbps
- Unggah: 5,44 Mbps
Paris – France
- Ping: 108ms
- Unduh: 170,77 Mbps
- Unggah: 8,56 Mbps
The tests will have different results based on the time of day and node saturation. I attempted “Fastest Server” Connect via SurfShark to stack against these currently higher speeds from servers in different countries. To confirm my results, I connected to New York again, and speeds were faster than the first but just falling short of Toronto by 2 Mbps:
New York, Second Attempt – US
- Ping: 17ms
- Unduh: 181,62 Mbps
- Unggah: 9,03 Mbps
Torrenting / P2P / TOR Diizinkan Dengan Surfshark
VPN untuk torrent are practically a necessity to keep your anonymity when downloading or seeding torrents, and Surfshark claims that they’re the best VPN out there for that exact purpose. Your internet providers can throttle your connection speed based on the content you download or torrent, so a VPN helps you avoid this.
- Menggunakan VPN terutama saat torrent juga dapat menawarkan perlindungan dari kemungkinan malware yang diunduh. Ini tidak berbeda dengan Surfshark. Namun yang membuat Surfshark menonjol adalah kompatibilitasnya dengan semua klien P2P, termasuk uTorrent, BitTorrent, Vuze, dan banyak lainnya.
Surfshark VPN is compatible with any torrent site, so you can access your favorite P2P sites without restrictions, such as ThePirateBay and LimeTorrents. You can get top-notch P2P speeds while using Surfshark’s servers in the following countries:
- Amerika Serikat (AS)
- Inggris Raya (UK)
- Kanada (CA)
- Jerman (DE)
- Italia (TI)
- Polandia (PL)
- Spanyol (IS)
- Norwegia (TIDAK)
- Denmark (DK)
- Luksemburg (LU)
- Hongkong (HK)
- Singapura (SG)
- Belanda (NL)
- Bulgaria (BG)
- Belgia (BE)
- Swiss (CH)
- Slowakia (SK)
- Serbia (RS)
- Finlandia (FI)
This doesn’t mean you have to stick to these countries’ servers when torrenting, however. If you’d prefer, SurfShark can reroute you to other servers located in the Netherlands, Canada, or the United States, depending on your actual physical location.These P2P connections include streaming players like VLC or PopcornTime, as well as torrent software like BitTorrent, Vuze, or uTorrent.
Surfshark also allows for connection to the Tor network to fully secure your browsing experience. Tor is “the onion router,” which ensures that all of your online web traffic remains completely anonymous. Because the Tor network is run by volunteers, security is not always guaranteed. Running Tor with Surfshark grants you that anonymity with the security and safety of a reliable VPN.
Netflix Bekerja di Sebagian Besar Tempat Dengan Surfershark
You’re in luck, watching Netflix with Surfshark is easy as it gets. Surfshark is one of our best VPNs for Netflix. Netflix offers different content in different countries depending on where you are located. Using a VPN with Netflix allows you to access content you wouldn’t normally be able to watch. Here are the Netflix platforms you’ll find on their corresponding servers:
- Netflix Inggris > Server Inggris
- Netflix IN > Server India
- Netflix IT > Server Italia
- Netflix CA > Server Kanada
- Netflix DE > Server Jerman
- Netflix AU > Server Australia
- Netflix FR > Server Prancis
- Netflix NL > Server Belanda
- Netflix BR > Server Brasil
- Netflix AS > Semua server di negara selain Inggris, Jepang, India, Italia, Kanada, Jerman, Korea, Belanda, Turki, Prancis, Australia, Brasil, atau Singapura
Secara keseluruhan, semua server AS yang saya uji bekerja dengan baik. Saya memang mengalami beberapa masalah saat pengujian untuk Jepang dan Spanyol.
Server diuji:
- New York – US: Yes
- Los Angeles – US: Yes
- Miami – US: Yes
- Atlanta – US: Yes
- Chicago – US: Yes
- Toronto – Canada: Yes
- Madrid – Spain: No (proxy detected)
- New Zealand: Yes
- Japan: No (proxy detected)
- London – UK: Yes
- Mumbai – India: Yes
Membunuh beralih
This feature will turn off your internet connection immediately if the VPN drops for whatever reason, so that your data protection and privacy are never compromised. Surfshark’s Kill Switch option is available on Windows, macOS, and iOS. If you’re working with sensitive information or even torrenting, turning on the Kill Switch feature offers you extra security. As with everything with Surfshark, it’s extremely easy to use, as you’ll see below.
Langkah 1. Di aplikasi Surfshark, navigasikan ke Pengaturan > Konektivitas.
Langkah 2: Aktifkan, dan diaktifkan. Jika, karena alasan tertentu, Anda terputus, pemberitahuan akan muncul, dan akses internet Anda akan segera dihentikan.
Tidak Ada Kebijakan Pencatatan
Saat menggunakan VPN, a kebijakan larangan masuk harus standar, karena ini membuat data, riwayat, alamat IP, lalu lintas, dan stempel waktu koneksi Anda tidak dikumpulkan dan disimpan. Surfshark melindungi semua lalu lintas dengan enkripsi AES-256-GCM, yang merupakan standar terdepan di industri. Ini juga menjaga lalu lintas Anda dari kebocoran IP, WebRTC, atau DNS apa pun. Informasi pribadi yang diakui Surfshark disimpan adalah informasi login Anda (alamat email dan kata sandi terenkripsi) dan informasi penagihan dasar Anda untuk membuat akun Anda.
- They also mention that they collect anonymous information such as performance data and crash reports on the apps to continuously improve your experience using their VPN. See their privacy policy for more information.
Tanpa Mode Perbatasan
Depending on where you may be located while browsing the Internet, certain sites can be blocked or restricted. Surfshark’s No Borders mode opens up the internet for you to freely browse, unblocked, without geo-restrictions. From streaming platforms to government-based censored content, you’ll be able to explore with unlimited access.
DNS Pribadi dan Perlindungan Kebocoran
Setiap server memiliki DNS pribadi dan perlindungan kebocoran saat menggunakan tumpukan IPv4. Ini menciptakan tingkat keamanan lain.
Mode Kamuflase
What I do love about Surfshark is their camouflage mode, which makes your traffic appear normal to avoid suspicion from your provider that you’re using a VPN, so you can browse in peace.
Sembunyikan IP Anda
Alamat IP Anda sendiri dapat memberi tahu BANYAK tentang Anda, termasuk lokasi fisik Anda. Menggunakan VPN adalah cara termudah dan paling aman untuk menutupi IP Anda. Dengan Surfshark, cukup masuk dan sambungkan akan menyembunyikannya secara otomatis, menjaga data, riwayat, dan lokasi Anda tetap pribadi.
Surfshark menggunakan enkripsi AES-256-GCM yang terdepan di industri, sehingga Anda dapat yakin bahwa informasi Anda terlindungi.
Protokol Aman
Their default protocol on all their apps is IKEv2/IPsec, which is often a standard on the leading VPNs. However, OpenVPN is also an option with Surfshark.
Obrolan Langsung, 24/7, FAQ, dan Tutorial
Surfshark memiliki platform dukungan pelanggan yang hebat yang memungkinkan Anda mencari melalui dokumentasi dukungan dan mengikuti tutorial tentang cara menggunakan VPN dan fitur-fiturnya. Jika Anda mengalami masalah atau memiliki pertanyaan yang belum terjawab, tim dukungan mereka tersedia melalui obrolan langsung atau email 24/7.

Apakah Surfshark mudah digunakan?
Surfshark is really easy to use — its app has a clean, intuitive layout and is suitable even for VPN beginners. It functions almost completely the same way on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, which makes it simple to use across platforms. That means you don’t have to waste time getting used to 4 completely different apps if you own multiple devices. The app is available in 15 languages, including Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.
- I especially liked that the advanced settings and features menus include a little description under every option explaining what each feature/setting does. It’s also super handy to be able to save your favorite servers for easy access later. There are a few minor things I would like to see improved with Surfshark. The auto-connect feature could be better I experienced slightly faster speeds manually selecting a server a lot of the time.
It would also be helpful to include a P2P server list, like with MultiHop and Static Servers, to make choosing a specific torrenting-optimized one more straightforward. I found it difficult to find individual server information (like server load and ping time) on Windows and Android. This is something I like to see because it helps me choose the fastest server possible. After contacting customer support about this issue, they informed me that you must be disconnected from the VPN to see this information.
Kekurangan VPN Surfshark
I found very little information about Surfshark’s physical location, so their lack of transparency can be a cause for concern, as you’ll see in their response to this question below. They mention that they are under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands, a region away from the 14 Eyes, but don’t specify where. Don’t worry though, a lot of companies in the industry do that – look at ExpressVPN and NordVPN.
Paket Harga
Surfshark menawarkan salah satu paket harga terendah yang pernah saya lihat, hanya dengan $2.49 USD per bulan jika Anda mendaftar untuk paket 24 bulan mereka. Bahkan jika Anda khawatir dengan komitmen jangka panjang, mereka menawarkan jaminan uang kembali 30 hari. Anda akan melihat bahwa mereka menawarkan paket 1 bulan dan 12 bulan juga dengan harga lebih tinggi jika Anda tertarik dengan opsi jangka pendek.
- 30 hari: $12.95 sebulan = $155.40 setahun
- 6 bulan: $6.49 sebulan = $77.88 setahun
- 24 bulan: $2.49 per bulan
Untuk metode pembayaran, Surfshark menawarkan fleksibilitas. Anda dapat membayar menggunakan banyak opsi, termasuk Paypal, Apple Pay, cryptocurrency, dan Alipay
Garansi uang kembali
Mereka menawarkan jaminan uang kembali 30 hari, bahkan pada paket 24 bulan mereka. Selama akun Anda tidak melanggar Persyaratan Layanan mereka, hubungi tim dukungan pelanggan mereka untuk meminta pengembalian dana.
Uji Coba Gratis
Surfshark tidak benar-benar memiliki VPN percobaan "gratis", tetapi mereka menawarkan langganan bebas risiko selama 30 hari. Jika Anda tidak puas dalam 30 hari tersebut, Anda cukup meminta pengembalian dana. Satu-satunya uji coba "gratis" yang sebenarnya adalah melalui Google Play atau Apple App Store. Anda harus memberikan informasi kartu kredit Anda di muka, tetapi Anda tidak akan dikenakan biaya hingga uji coba 7 hari selesai. Pada saat itu, Anda akan dikenakan biaya jika memilih untuk melanjutkan.
Apakah kami akan merekomendasikan Surfshark?
Saya sangat terkejut saat pertama kali menggunakan Surfshark. Penyedia VPN baru tidak selalu berkualitas tinggi, tetapi dengan Surfshark, inilah masalahnya. Surfshark adalah penyedia VPN fantastis yang tentunya tidak kalah dengan penyedia seperti NordVPN dan VPN Ekspres. On top of that, Surfshark is also very inexpensive. So as far as I'm concerned, Surfshark is definitely the best choice for novice VPN users.
- Kami 100% merekomendasikan Surfshark. Dari semua pesaingnya, VPN ini memiliki nilai terbaik dan memberi Anda segala sesuatu yang seharusnya dimiliki VPN teratas: beberapa fitur keamanan canggih, jaringan dan kecepatan yang andal, kemampuan membuka blokir yang konsisten, dan komitmen kuat terhadap privasi dan keamanan pengguna.
- Saya sangat terkesan dengan dukungan pelanggan Surfshark dan tingkat transparansinya saat membaca kebijakan privasinya juga. Selain itu, salah satu nilai jual terbesarnya adalah Anda dapat menghubungkan perangkat dalam jumlah tak terbatas secara bersamaan, membuat titik harganya yang jauh lebih rendah menjadi lebih berharga.