VPN za Linux

Linux is an operating system that is only actively used by a small portion of the world’s population. Because of this, it can be difficult to find a VPN that works well on it. Many VPN’s do not have software for Linux or only offer a meager service. Fortunately, there are also providers who take … Preberi več

VPN za Windows

Many people use Windows computers every day to browse online, watch movies and take care of their personal business. However, going on the Internet unprotected is not always a smart idea. It’s better to use a VPN so you can ensure your online privacy, security and freedom . Here are the three best VPN’s for Windows: ExpressVPN: best fast VPN. … Preberi več

VPN za iPhone

najboljši iphone vpn

Preizkusili smo več VPN-jev, da vidimo, kateri so najboljši za iPhone in iPad. Tu smo si ogledali predvsem hitrost, varnost in zasebnost, enostavnost uporabe, dodatne možnosti in ceno. Tako smo prišli do naslednjih 3 najboljših VPN-jev za iOS ExpressVPN: najboljši "na splošno" VPN, tudi za iPhone in iPad. CyberGhost: … Preberi več

VPN protokoli

protokoli VPN

The use of a VPN connection is becoming more and more commonplace. This is understandable, given the increase in (mass) surveillance, hackers and online tracking and chasing by advertising companies. Also, the use of VPN services is no longer just for computer technicians. However, to make the most of your VPN connection, choosing the right VPN protocol is … Preberi več

VPN Smart TV

Smart TV VPN

Smart TV vam olajša gledanje najboljših filmov in serij na velikem zaslonu. Če v procesu uporabljate VPN, uživate v številnih dobrih prednostih. Najprej izboljšate svojo spletno varnost in zasebnost. Poleg tega lahko z VPN pretakate filme in serije, ki jih običajno ... Preberi več
