Kaj so keyloggerji

What are keyloggers? A keylogger is software that records keystrokes on a keyboard, mostly unnoticed. Keyloggers are (often) a form of malware, because they can be used to surreptitiously monitor what a user is typing. In this way, the keylogging software can read off messages and record important passwords and login data in the process. This data … Preberi več

Kakšna je razlika med VPN in VPS

Okrajšavi VPN in VPS sta si zelo podobni. Mnogi ljudje zamenjujejo ta dva izraza. Vendar sta to dve popolnoma različni storitvi. Navidezni zasebni strežnik (VPS) je oblika spletnega gostovanja, medtem ko je navidezno zasebno omrežje (VPN) storitev, ki vam omogoča anonimni dostop do interneta. Torej so različne stvari, toda imena ... Preberi več

VPN za Apple TV

With an Apple TV you can easily watch online movies and series on your television. A VPN protects the unsecured connection between your Apple TV and the internet. A VPN gives you online security, anonymity and freedom. The best three VPN’s to use for your Apple TV are: ExpressVPN NordVPN Surfshark What’s the best VPN … Preberi več

Kaj je vohunska programska oprema

What is Spyware? Spyware is software that usually secretly collects information about a computer user. By collecting information in this way, a usage profile can be compiled. This information is very valuable for external parties to make money from. Spyware ‘spies’ therefore, in effect, a computer user and records everything they do. It can carry great risks in terms … Preberi več

Kako skriti svoj IP naslov

Če želite anonimno in svobodno brskati po internetu, je dober prvi korak, da skrijete svoj IP naslov. Vaš lokalni IP naslov vsebuje veliko informacij o vas kot uporabniku interneta. Če se skrijete za drugim naslovom IP, ostanete veliko varnejši in predvsem bolj anonimni na spletu. Ti lahko … Preberi več

Javna omrežja Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks allow you to connect to the internet in public spaces free of charge. Whether you’re at school, in a cafe, on the train or at an airport, you can use a public WiFi network with your smartphone, tablet or laptop almost everywhere. These hotspots are often accessible without the need for a … Preberi več
