Kaj je računalniški virus

Kaj je računalniški virus? Računalniški virus (popularno imenovan tudi virus) je zlonamerna programska oprema podkategorije. Virus je zlonamerni program (ali kos računalniške kode), ki okuži računalnike in se nato poskuša namnožiti in razširiti po omrežju. Virus je pogosto skrit v datoteki in ga aktivirajo uporabniki, ki odprejo ali aktivirajo ... Preberi več

Kaj je namenski IP

Some VPN providers offer the option to request a dedicated IP. This means that you get a unique, static IP address that is only used by you, while your échte IP address is still hidden. This has several advantages: You’re less likely to end up blacklisted. You don’t have to go through any extra verifications. … Preberi več

Nastavitev VPN-ja na Android TV

An Android TV is a smart TV platform designed by Google. It uses the Android operating system and allows you to play series, movies and music on your television without worries through various apps. For example, you can easily stream Spotify and Kodi with it. If you protect your Android TV with a VPN, your internet provider cannot simply … Preberi več

Kaj so keyloggerji

What are keyloggers? A keylogger is software that records keystrokes on a keyboard, mostly unnoticed. Keyloggers are (often) a form of malware, because they can be used to surreptitiously monitor what a user is typing. In this way, the keylogging software can read off messages and record important passwords and login data in the process. This data … Preberi več

Kakšna je razlika med VPN in VPS

Okrajšavi VPN in VPS sta si zelo podobni. Mnogi ljudje zamenjujejo ta dva izraza. Vendar sta to dve popolnoma različni storitvi. Navidezni zasebni strežnik (VPS) je oblika spletnega gostovanja, medtem ko je navidezno zasebno omrežje (VPN) storitev, ki vam omogoča anonimni dostop do interneta. Torej so različne stvari, toda imena ... Preberi več
