Qual é a diferença entre VPN vs VPS

As abreviaturas VPN e VPS são muito semelhantes. Muitas pessoas confundem esses dois termos. No entanto, são dois serviços completamente diferentes. Um Virtual Private Server (VPS) é uma forma de hospedagem na web, enquanto uma Virtual Private Network (VPN) é um serviço que permite acessar a Internet anonimamente. Então são coisas diferentes, mas os nomes… Leia mais

VPN para Apple TV

With an Apple TV you can easily watch online movies and series on your television. A VPN protects the unsecured connection between your Apple TV and the internet. A VPN gives you online security, anonymity and freedom. The best three VPN’s to use for your Apple TV are: ExpressVPN NordVPN Surfshark What’s the best VPN … Leia mais

O que é Spyware

What is Spyware? Spyware is software that usually secretly collects information about a computer user. By collecting information in this way, a usage profile can be compiled. This information is very valuable for external parties to make money from. Spyware ‘spies’ therefore, in effect, a computer user and records everything they do. It can carry great risks in terms … Leia mais

Redes Wi-Fi públicas

Public Wi-Fi networks allow you to connect to the internet in public spaces free of charge. Whether you’re at school, in a cafe, on the train or at an airport, you can use a public WiFi network with your smartphone, tablet or laptop almost everywhere. These hotspots are often accessible without the need for a … Leia mais

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