Menyiapkan VPN di Chromecast

Dengan Google Chromecast, Anda dapat dengan mudah melakukan streaming dari, misalnya, perangkat seluler ke TV. Dengan cara ini Anda tidak memerlukan smart TV untuk dapat menggunakan aplikasi di TV Anda. Ini adalah cara populer untuk menonton film dan serial di layar lebar. Untuk menggunakan Chromecast Anda dengan aman dan anonim, mungkin bijaksana untuk menggunakan VPN. VPN juga memberi Anda lebih banyak kebebasan dan karenanya lebih menikmati streaming. Di bawah ini kami menjelaskan berbagai cara untuk melindungi Chromecast dengan VPN.

Apakah Anda ingin Google Chromecast terhubung ke internet melalui VPN?

Misalnya, agar Anda dapat menonton American Netflix, atau hanya untuk mengamankan koneksi Anda? Kemudian Anda perlu mengatur VPN di router Anda atau di router virtual. Di router Anda, ini berfungsi sebagai berikut:

  1. Make sure you have a router that works with a VPN.
  2. Flash your router (if necessary) and install your VPN on the router.
  3. Hubungkan Chromecast Anda ke jaringan Wi-Fi router.

Apakah Anda akan menghubungkan Chromecast melalui router virtual atau hotspot?

  1. Pilih VPN untuk dipasang di komputer Anda.
  2. Set up a wifi hotspot or virtual router on this device.
  3. Hubungkan Chromecast Anda ke jaringan wifi dari router/hotspot virtual.

Bagaimana cara memasang koneksi VPN di Chromecast?

If you want to use a VPN on a Google Chromecast, you will have to do it through your (virtual) router. This means that you have to install the VPN on your (virtual) router and then let your Chromecast access the Internet through this connection. You can read how to set up a VPN for Chromecast here.

Mengapa orang menggunakan VPN di Chromecast?

Using a VPN on your Chromecast has several advantages. It allows you to bypass geographical blockages, giving you access to American Netflix, for example. A VPN also provides a secure connection, so you can stream safely online without worry and also safely use Kodi.

Apa VPN terbaik untuk Chromecast?

A VPN that works well for Chromecast is Surfshark. This VPN is very fast and almost always works properly. It is also ééone of the cheapest options. Other VPN providers we d recommend for Chromecast are ExpressVPN and NordVPN.

Cara mengatur VPN untuk Google Chromecast

Sayangnya, tidak mungkin memasang aplikasi VPN langsung di dongle Chromecast. Jika Anda ingin menyediakan Chromecast dengan koneksi VPN, Anda dapat:

  • install a VPN on your router
  • Siapkan VPN di router virtual di PC atau MAC

Menyiapkan klien VPN di router Anda

Setting up a VPN on your router is an excellent way to secure all the devices in your home with a VPN connection. However, you need to make sure your router is suitable for this. This is because it is necessary to change your router’s firmware (flashing) and this is not possible with every router. If you are looking for a suitable VPN router and do not know where to start, you can visit our article: VPN router – an easy overview to quickly find the best VPN router.

  • Jika Anda memiliki router yang sesuai dan siap untuk mem-flash-nya, Anda harus berhati-hati untuk melakukannya dengan hati-hati. Lagi pula, mem-flash router bukan tanpa risiko. Jika Anda melakukannya salah, router Anda bisa rusak.
  • Untuk membantu Anda dalam hal ini, kami telah menulis manual ekstensif tentang menginstal VPN di router Anda. Manual ini juga menjelaskan cara menginstal VPN di router Anda.
  • Apakah routernya cocok, apakah Anda sudah menyesuaikan firmware dan apakah Anda sudah menginstal VPN? Kemudian Anda siap menghubungkan Chromecast ke router ini. Ini berfungsi sama seperti menghubungkan Chromecast Anda ke jaringan biasa.

Menyiapkan VPN di router Anda, langkah demi langkah:

  1. Check whether you have an appropriate router to ‘flash’. If you can’t figure this out, check out our article on VPN routers.
  2. Adjust the firmware of your router and install your VPN on this router according to our extensive step-by-step plan.
  3. Connect your Chromecast (and possibly other devices) to the wifi network of the flashed router.

Menyiapkan VPN menggunakan router virtual di PC atau Mac

Is it not possible to modify the firmware of your router, or do you not want to? Then you can also set up a wifi hotspot on your Windows PC or Mac. Then you can have your Chromecast connect to it. If you then secure this connection on your PC or Mac using a VPN, your Chromecast is safely connected. This way, you’ll be secure on your Chromecast in no time and ready to bypass geographical blockages.

Menyiapkan VPN di router virtual, langkah demi langkah:

  1. Install a VPN on your PC or Mac.
  2. Buku Pegangan untuk mengatur VPN di Windows 10
  3. Buku pegangan untuk mengatur VPN di Mac
  4. Set up a wifi hotspot on your PC or Mac. The exact steps to follow in doing this will depend on your device.
  5. Hubungkan Chromecast Anda ke jaringan aman VPN di PC atau Mac Anda.

VPN terbaik untuk Google Chromecast

We have tested several VPN providers for Google Chromecast. Based on speed, server locations and price-quality ratio we have chosen the following providers that are ideal to use in combination with the Chromecast dongle. Should you be looking for another VPN you can visit our overview page with best VPN apps. A free VPN is also among the options, but with an eye on the streaming speed we would not recommend this.

ExpressVPN untuk Google Chromecast: sempurna untuk streaming

ExpressVPN has been at the top of our list of the best VPN providers for quite some time. With over 3000 servers in 94 countries and a professional team of developers, ExpressVPN has quickly become a major player in the VPN market. The wide range of servers also ensures that bypassing geographical blockades is not a problem. For example, using ExpressVPN you can enjoy the American Netflix.

  1. ExpressVPN memiliki layanan pelanggan yang sangat baik dan untuk beberapa perangkat dan tujuan bahkan telah menulis tutorial singkat tentang cara menginstal layanan. Dikombinasikan dengan enkripsi 256-bit yang bagus, semua poin ini menjadikan ExpressVPN layanan VPN yang luar biasa untuk Chromecast.
  2. ExpressVPN has a 30-day money-back guarantee. So you can try this VPN at your leisure for a month.

Surfshark untuk Google Chromecast: streaming cepat

Surfshark is a relatively new player in the VPN market. Nevertheless, this VPN provider has won over many hearts in a short time. For example, it is ideal that Surfshark has no limit on the number of people who can use a subscription at the same time.

  1. In addition, this VPN is very user-friendly and therefore also suitable for novice VPN users. Surfshark also offers a 30 day money back guarantee . If you are not satisfied with this VPN, you will get your money back.
  2. Surfshark has fast servers all over the world. This ensures that you can stream easily. Another advantage of the many servers is that you can watch content from many different countries. Finally, Surfshark is also one of the cheapest VPN providers at the moment.

NordVPN untuk Google Chromecast: streaming aman

NordVPN is an excellent VPN in terms of price-quality ratio. With its relatively low price and excellent performance, NordVPN will be a good alternative no matter what your VPN goal is.

  1. Meskipun kecepatannya terkadang lebih lambat daripada layanan pesaing lainnya, NordVPN menonjol karena opsi keamanannya yang kuat.
  2. Pair that with the friendly price tag and you have an excellent VPN. Try out the VPN first and take advantage of the 30-day money-back guarantee.

Kesimpulan: mengatur VPN di Google Chromecast

Installing a VPN for Chromecast is not as easy as, say, installing a VPN for Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS. This is because you cannot install the VPN software directly on the device itself. But if you still want to secure your Chromecast with a VPN, there are two methods to achieve this. First, you can install a VPN on your router to allow your Chromecast and all other devices in your home to enjoy a VPN connection. The second way is to set up a virtual router on your PC or Mac, and then protect it with a VPN. That way, you can still get the benefits of a VPN on your Chromecast. Then you can enjoy all your favorite movies and series safely and without limit.

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Cara mengunduh VPN

A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. The VPN software encrypts your internet traffic and sends your data via a secure connection to a remote server. From there, the data traffic is sent back onto the

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Kami di menggunakannya selama bertahun-tahun untuk memastikan kami tetap anonim di web. Kami memutuskan untuk membuat tempat sentral di mana Anda dapat menemukan panduan VPN yang praktis dan ulasan penyedia VPN yang andal dan tepercaya

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