Pregled ExpressVPN (2022)

ExpressVPN (2022) Vodič za pregled

Tražite li novo Pregled ExpressVPN? To je logično, posljednjih nekoliko godina ove su usluge stekle ogromnu popularnost, gotovo 30% korisnika interneta koristilo je VPN usluge u posljednjih 5 godina. Mi u testirali i isprobali sve različite davatelje usluga za vas, pročitajte našu opsežnu recenziju ExpressVPN -a i saznajte sve o ovoj usluzi, sigurni smo da ćete nakon čitanja znati da li vam ovaj pružatelj usluga odgovara i pripada li najbolji VPN davatelji usluga od 2021.

Tko je i što je ExpressVPN?

After reviewing dozens of VPNs, I can say that ExpressVPN app can be considered fast, secure and efficient. Their biggest con is their current pricing. ExpressVPN is fast, secure and keeps you fully anonymous with their strict no logging policy. They allow the korištenje VPN usmjerivača i dobro surađivati s bujice, it even works with Tor for the maximum level of privacy. The app looks great and it’s very easy to use. ExpressVPN supports virtually all devices you need it on.

  • ExpressVPN koristi industrijski standardni OpenVPN protokol tuneliranja i 256-bitni AES kao zadani, ali ako ste spretniji i želite ga začiniti, to možete učiniti ručno. Njihov poslužiteljski park sastoji se od nevjerojatnih 3000 i više poslužitelja u 94 zemlje.

The price of their service is rather expensive and it isn’t the best option for Netflix. In our tests, only 6 out of 30 US servers worked.All in all, it’s a very good premium VPN service, but nije najbolji izbor when you’re u potrazi za Netflix VPN-om ili ako tražite jeftini VPN s nižim budžetom. If you’re looking to be secure and anonymous, ExpressVPN is an excellent choice.

  • ExpressVPN ima sjedište na Britanskim Djevičanskim otocima. To znači da, prema lokalnim zakonima, tvrtka ne mora voditi evidenciju. Stoga se ne vode evidencije prometa.
  • With a subscription, you can connect five devices at once and get access to a network of more than 3,000 servers at 160 server locations in 94 countries. Furthermore, ExpressVPN is very user-friendly and therefore accessible to everyone. The VPN app is clear and works intuitively, so you don't have to be a techie to use ExpressVPN.

Koje su prednosti i prednosti?

  • Dobar VPN u pogledu brzine i sigurnosti
  • Korisnički prilagođen softver; spojeni pritiskom na tipku
  • Veliki izbor poslužitelja (posebno dostupne su mnoge zemlje)
  • Nikad nije sudjelovao u skandalima s podacima ili incidentima vrijednim pažnje
  • 30-dnevno jamstvo povrata novca
  • Dostupni američki Netflix
  • Moguće su bujice

Ogroman izbor poslužitelja u gotovo bilo kojoj zemlji

Jedna od najvećih prednosti ExpressVPN-a je ogroman broj poslužitelja. Ovaj VPN može se pohvaliti s 3.000 poslužitelja na 160 poslužiteljskih mjesta u 94 zemlje. Imaju poslužitelj na svakom pojedinom kontinentu, osim na Antarktiku. ExpressVPN se natječe samo s Nord VPN, PIA, Surfshark i CyberGhost što se tiče samog broja poslužitelja koje nude.

Za većinu njihovih poslužitelja registrirana IP adresa i fizički poslužitelj nalaze se u istoj zemlji, ali vam također daju mogućnost korištenja virtualnih poslužitelja. Virtualni poslužitelji podudaraju registriranu IP adresu sa zemljom s kojom ste povezani, iako se njihovi poslužitelji fizički nalaze u drugoj zemlji koja je obično u blizini.

  • Though less than 3% of their servers are virtual servers, these servers make sure that you enjoy a speedy, dependable, and secure connection at all times. This large selection of servers means you won’t have to settle for the farthest ones from you, which are usually the slowest.

Testovi brzine ExpressVPN-a zaista su brzi

Još jedan važan aspekt ExpressVPN-a zbog kojeg se lako sviđaju je brzina. Testirao sam njihove performanse na i biti ekstra temeljit. Rezultati pokazuju zapanjujuće brze performanse na većini testiranih lokacija.

Below you'll first see some speed tests to actually find out how fast ExpressVPN is. Then you can read more about the speed test that ExpressVPN itself offers and we share our own experiences with ExpressVPN's speed. In short, here are our findings on ExpressVPN's speed:

  1. ExpressVPN je VPN s izvrsnim brzinama.
  2. Nije bilo primjetne razlike u brzini pri svakodnevnoj upotrebi.
  3. ExpressVPN nudi vlastiti test brzine.

New Jersey

  • Ping: 25ms / Preuzimanje: 45,14 Mbps / Prijenos: 18,60 Mbps

New York

  • Ping: 39ms / Preuzimanje: 175,75 Mbps / Prijenos: 46,54 Mbps

Europa (UK)

  • Ping: 174ms / Preuzimanje: 242,16 Mbps / Prijenos: 43,77 Mbps

Hong Kong

  • Ping: 447ms / Preuzimanje: 136,18 Mbps / Prijenos: 13,42 Mbps

Europa (UK)

  • Ping: 107ms / Preuzimanje: 140 Mbps / Prijenos: 37 Mbps

Hong Kong

  • Ping: 247ms / Preuzimanje: 130 Mbps / Prijenos: 28 Mbps

Ipak, nikada ne biste trebali previše naglašavati test brzine. Na ove rezultate mogu utjecati različiti čimbenici poput fizičkog smještaja, vaše internetske veze i brzine računala.

Velika upotrebljivost i platforma

ExpressVPN claims that you can get yourself set up with their service in about 5 minutes, so I wanted to test this out. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to install and activate ExpressVPN quickly and with no problems. Before I knew it, I was already using their “Smart Location” feature to efficiently connect to their server. You can even manually configure your connection by using OS-level VPN settings. There’s also support for literally every single device you can think of—more on that later in the review.

  • Izgled softvera ExpressVPN vrlo je profesionalan i jasan. Softver radi vrlo jednostavno i intuitivno. Sve su mogućnosti i značajke same po sebi razumljive. Većina korisnika ne treba puno funkcionalnosti. Gumb za napajanje i opcija za promjenu mjesta poslužitelja često su dovoljni. To je upravo ono što ExpressVPN nudi, što ExpressVPN čini vrlo jednostavnim i za upotrebu.

Srećom, ExpressVPN također nudi izbornik postavki u gornjem lijevom kutu aplikacije. Ovdje možete prilagoditi postavke svoje VPN veze prema vlastitim željama. Osim toga, u ovim postavkama možete pronaći i test brzine i funkciju pomoći. U ranim godinama softver ExpressVPN bio je dostupan samo na engleskom jeziku i preveden je na različite jezike.

Kako ExpressVPN radi?

Započnite u samo tri koraka:

  1. Odaberite pretplatu.
  2. Idite na njihovu stranicu za postavljanje.
  3. Preuzmite i instalirajte ExpressVPN.

ExpressVPN značajke

Network Lock: Kill-Switch: In case your VPN is disconnected, it’s crucial that your data still doesn’t get compromised. Meet their kill-switch, called Network Lock. As soon as your connection suffers any interruption, this will stop any traffic from going in or out of your device. I was happy to realize that this means that my personal data will never be exposed to bilo tko on the web, whether my ISP or criminals. Even a failed connection won’t compromise my information. ExpressVPN offers this as a standard feature on their apps for Mac, Windows, Linux, and routers.

Kompatibilnost uređaja i uporaba VPN usmjerivača

There’s a lot of value in just one subscription since you can use it simultaneously on as many as five supported devices, regardless of the platform. I contacted ExpressVPN’s live chat while I was looking for this information on their site, and they confirmed to me that I can use their service on a wide range of devices:

  • Devices – Windows, Android, Mac, iOS, Linux, Routers, Chromebook, Kindle Fire, Nook
  • Browser Extensions – Chrome, Firefox
  • Consoles and Smart TVs – Playstation, Apple TV, Xbox, Amazon Fire Stick TV, Nintendo Switch, Samsung Smart TV, all game consoles, and smart TVs.
Zašto biste trebali koristiti dodatne proizvode za zaštitu ExpressVPN-om?

Brojni su razlozi za zaštitu više uređaja, poput sveobuhvatne sigurnosti i glatkog strujanja na svim vašim uređajima. Ako trebate zaštititi više od pet uređaja, imate dvije mogućnosti: ili kupite dodatnu pretplatu ili jednostavno postavite ExpressVPN za usmjerivač.

If you’re going to use this VPN with a router, then you can protect numerous devices more efficiently and eliminate the need to install your VPN app on every device. This makes using the VPN for your router the more productive option since you can protect game consoles and smart TVs (everything that’s on your Wi-Fi network) just by securing your router alone.

As I’m finding out with many things on ExpressVPN, securing your router takes only a few, quick steps:

  1. Kupite svoju početnu pretplatu.
  2. Odaberite svoj VPN usmjerivač.
  3. Odaberite model usmjerivača.

In no time at all, you’ll have secured your entire Wi-Fi network and numerous devices with only one VPN for your router.

Express VPN podržava TOR i bujice

As someone who wants the securest connection available to me, I naturally wanted to find out if ExpressVPN supported Tor networks and torrenting. After scouring their website, I was pleased to read that they indeed do. It works great for torrenting, that’s why ExpressVPN landed one of the top spots for our best VPN for torrenting list. Using ExpressVPN with Tor gives you the strongest security possible. You get the anonymity of Tor along with the encryption of VPN.

Stabilno i brzo tijekom bujice na Internetu

Krajnji rezultat je hermetička veza u kojoj čak ni vaš VPN neće moći vidjeti što radite unutar Tor mreže.

  • Važno je zapamtiti da se prvo morate povezati s ExpressVPN -om, a zatim s Torom da bi ovo funkcioniralo. Korištenje Tor -a može usporiti brzinu vaše veze, ali ako živite u zemlji s tlačiteljskom vladom koja pazi na svaki vaš korak, bitno je da to imate kao opciju.
  • Torrent je sjajno ako želite učinkovito i brzo preuzimati i dijeliti velike datoteke. Nažalost, bez VPN-a vaša će IP adresa, lokacija i metapodaci biti izloženi znatiželjnim očima.
  • ExpressVPN surađuje s uTorrentom, jednim od najčešće korištenih klijenata za bujicu, kako bi osigurao da vam se aktivnost dijeljenja datoteka nikad više ne vrati. Agent za chat uživo na web mjestu potvrdio mi je da ExpressVPN dopušta promet dijeljenja datoteka s njihovih poslužitelja.

Korisnička podrška ExpressVPN-a je nevjerojatna

Dobra korisnička podrška sastavni je dio svake usluge koju kupujete. Osim tehničkih razloga, to je jedan od najsnažnijih čimbenika koji može utjecati na to hoće li se koristiti određeni VPN ili ne. Uostalom, ako niste tehnološki potkovani i borite se da vaš VPN ispravno radi, tada želite imati nekoga na raspolaganju 24 sata dnevno i 7 dana u tjednu koji će vam pomoći (i pobrinuti se da vaši podaci ostanu zaštićeni cijelo vrijeme). Korisnička podrška definitivno je jedna od najkorisnijih ponuda ExpressVPN -a. Prije svega, njihov chat uživo otvoren je 24 sata dnevno.

  • Kontaktirao sam ih i postavio niz pitanja o njihovim značajkama. Dali su mi jasne odgovore i bili su vrlo odgovorni.
  • Još jedan način na koji njihova korisnička podrška dolazi do vas je njihov brojni vodiči za samopomoć dostupni na njihovoj web stranici. Ako ne želite čekati agenta, onda je ovo vaš najbolji izbor. Također se možete obratiti njihovoj podršci e -poštom ili podnijeti zahtjev za podršku.
  • Kako god to smanjili, otkrio sam da ExpressVPN na svom web mjestu ima znalačke, korisne agente i resurse koji vam olakšavaju dobivanje odgovora koji su vam potrebni da biste pravilno koristili njihov VPN i ostali zaštićeni.

Gdje se ExpressVPN nalazi u svijetu?

ExpressVPN is located in the British Virgin Islands, as I was able to confirm from one of their live chat agents. The BVI is a collection of self-governing islands in the Caribbean. Perhaps best of all, from a data-privacy standpoint, they’re not part of the so-called 14 Eyes or the SIGINT Seniors Europe. These 14 countries share intelligence data with one another, so being outside this reach of coordination is helpful in protecting your privacy.

Dobra stvar kod smještaja na BVI je:

  • There are no data-retention laws in their jurisdiction.
  • The only time a BVI company can be forced to reveal information in an investigation is by an order of their high court (outside countries can’t compel a BVI company to reveal anything).
  • Mnogo je obruča koji istražitelji moraju uskočiti kako bi uspješno uvjerili sud da prisili tvrtku s BVI-a da otkrije informacije.

Koliko mogu reći, imati VPN sa sjedištem na BVI-u glavni je plus za zaštitu vašeg identiteta i podataka.

Namjenska IP adresa moguća uz ExpressVPN?

ExpressVPN does not offer dedicated IP addresses. They do not do this because their average user does not need a dedicated IP. The most common reason to use a dedicated IP address is to access Netflix. But ExpressVPN already provides access to Netflix with their normal subscription, so most ExpressVPN users don't need a dedicated IP address at all.

Međutim, postoji još jedan razlog za upotrebu namjenske IP adrese. To je zato što neka web mjesta traže dodatnu identifikaciju kada neprestano tražite pristup njihovom web mjestu s nove IP adrese. Ako želite izbjeći ovu dodatnu identifikaciju, potrebna vam je namjenska IP adresa, jer će vaša IP adresa uvijek ostati ista. Ako iz tog razloga želite namjensku IP adresu, potražite VPN usluge s namjenskim IP adresama, poput NordVPN.

Politika sječe

This VPN is committed to your privacy, which is why they have a strict, no-logging policy. They’ll never collect your:

  • IP adrese
  • Povijest pretraživanja
  • Odredište prometa ili metapodaci
  • DNS upiti

Također nikada ne prikupljaju nikakve zapisnike aktivnosti ili veza.

A VPN will always have to collect some information, though. It’s good to know that ExpressVPN values customers to such an extent that they’re always open about what they take. When they do collect some of your data, they’ll always let you know.

Oni prikupljaju:

  • Apps you’ve activated
  • Only the dates you’ve connected to the VPN
  • Lokacije VPN poslužitelja
  • Ukupni MB prijenosa podataka

They’ll only store the least amount of information about you that they need in order to run a reliable VPN service.

Standardi šifriranja

You never want third parties like your ISP or Wi-Fi operators intercepting your sensitive data when it’s traveling from your computer to VPN servers. To make sure this never happens, ExpressVPN uses 256-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). The U.S. government and security experts around the globe use AES-256, so you can be confident that your own data will always stay confidential. Even brute-force attacks on AES-256 are improbable.


Zaštita vaših podataka uključuje više od odabira visokokvalitetnog VPN-a. VPN protokol je jednako važan jer VPN na taj način osigurava prijenose podataka. Može biti prilično komplicirano shvatiti koji je protokol najsigurniji. Srećom, ExpressVPN čini ovaj izbor sjajnim dajući vam na znanje koji je protokol najbolji.

  • For added security, ExpressVPN’s tunneling protocols—methods your device uses to connect to a VPN server—go beyond the default (and most secure) OpenVPN. You can let ExpressVPN automatically choose the best protocol for you.
  • ExpressVPN also supports SSTP, L2TP/IPsec, and PPTP protocols. The OpenVPN UDP/TCP option is the best combination of security and speed.

ExpressVPN Cons

Netflix Has Connection Issues in Quite a Few Locations. No review would be complete without examining one of the most popular reasons for using a VPN: Does it work with Netflix Technically, it does work, but you have to find a specific server that doesn’t get blocked, which means a bit of trial and error. The following servers worked great in our tests, though there were issues with a lot of U.S. servers:


  • Sjedinjene Države (radilo je samo 6 od 30 poslužitelja)
  • Kanada
  • Brazil
  • Kolumbija
  • Bahami


  • Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo (5 poslužitelja)
  • Švicarska
  • Italija
  • Švedska
  • Monako


  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Australija

Bliski Istok i Afrika

  • Alžir

Keep in mind, that Netflix works really hard to get VPN IPs banned, so the more known VPN providers will definitely have more servers banned than the more unknown ones. ExpressVPN is still one of your best options to stream Netflix.

ExpressVPN cijene i mogućnosti plaćanja

Price is always a significant factor when deciding on a VPN. ExpressVPN makes this very clear: They’re a premium VPN, so that’s reflected in their pricing. You’ll have to decide if paying a little extra is worth it for their top-notch security and good reputation.

Pretplate na Express VPN

ExpressVPN sadrži razne pretplatne planove:

  • Mjesečno: $12.95
  • 6-mjesečni plan: $9,99 mjesečno
  • 15-mjesečni plan: $6,67 mjesečno

Što je vaša pretplata dulja, to postaje jeftinija. To ne znači da je ovo jeftin VPN. Usporedite li ih s besplatnim VPN -ovima, ovo se može činiti pomalo strmim, ali kad uzmete u obzir sve njihove značajke (poslužitelje) i performanse (velike brzine), možete vidjeti zašto ExpressVPN naplaćuje ono što rade.

Načini plačanja

ExpressVPN olakšava plaćanje njihovih usluga. Pretplatu možete platiti na više načina, pri čemu se prihvaćaju sve veće kreditne kartice. Postoje i alternativni načini plaćanja, poput PayPala i Bitcoina, ako vam je to prikladnije. Za plaćanje jednostavno odaberite svoj plan, unesite svoju e -adresu i odaberite željeni način plaćanja.

Povrat novca zagarantovan

Bit će vam drago da znate da postoji 30-dnevno jamstvo povrata za bilo koji plan pretplate. To znači da možete isprobati njihovu uslugu bez rizika. Ako se nakon 30 dana iz bilo kojeg razloga predomislite, novac će vam se vratiti, bez postavljanja pitanja. Vraćanje novca jednostavno je kao i kontaktiranje tima za podršku ExpressVPN -a.

Besplatna proba za ExpressVPN

Unfortunately, because they’re a premium VPN, there’s no free trial offered. There is a free trial for some mobile devices, however. Any mobile device in countries that can access the Google Play (Android) / App Store (iOS) can receive a free 7-day trial once they download the app. Taking everything about ExpressVPN’s pricing into consideration, it can definitely come across as a con. You do get what you pay for, but there are other VPNs we rate higher than them, and they’re not as expensive. At the end of the day, ExpressVPN is still very expensive compared to many other VPNs.

Preporučujemo li ExpressVPN?

Yes, I recommend ExpressVPN. It’s easy to see why ExpressVPN is so widely used – not least for its amazing speeds. It has so much more to offer, including the highest level of encryption, a huge global network, advanced split tunneling, and impressive unblocking capabilities. As far as VPNs go, they are hard to beat. Their security is top-notch, and they make it easy for you to protect as many devices as you want while not sacrificing speed. While it is a premium service, as the pricing reflects, they offer a large number of servers spread across various regions of the world. Their customer service and support of Tor and torrenting are commendable. It’s worth your money, which is why I recommend them.

  • Njegova je sigurnost neprevaziđena i po tome se ExpressVPN zaista ističe. Od svojih strogih pravila nulte evidencije do tehnologije TrustedServer, ExpressVPN jasno se zalaže za zaštitu vaše sigurnosti i jamči vašu anonimnost i privatnost na mreži.
  • ExpressVPN lako deblokira sve glavne Netflixove knjižnice i KODI gdjegod da si.
  • ExpressVPN je složen u značajkama i funkcijama, ali svoju aplikaciju čini jednostavnom i lakom za upotrebu. To ga čini idealnim za VPN početnika do naprednog korisnika poput mene.
  • Svakako, postoje načini na koje se ExpressVPN može poboljšati, počevši od ugrađenog blokatora oglasa i dodajući značajku Network Lock u Mac iOS.

Even though ExpressVPN is a bit more expensive than the average VPN, you get value for your money. It's not without reason that ExpressVPN regularly tops VPN comparators. For the product they provide, they charge a reasonable price.

Kako se ExpressVPN uspoređuje s drugim VPN-ima?

Uz pojedinačne rezultate VPN davatelja usluge brzine, sigurnosti, poslužitelja i jednostavnosti upotrebe, pogledali smo i kako ExpressVPN radi u usporedbi s CyberGhost VPN, Nord VPN i Surfshark VPN. Nije iznenađujuće što ExpressVPN postiže najbolje od svih. ExpressVPN je pravi pobjednik, posebno u pogledu sigurnosti, jednostavnosti upotrebe i razine privatnosti. Pogledajte donje članke kako biste pročitali više o tome kako ExpressVPN uspostavlja cijene prema ostalim VPN pružateljima usluga:

Yes. Since your ISP can’t see your traffic, it can’t interfere to slow it down. Most ISPs throttle your speed when they see you streaming or gaming, as these are speed-intensive activities. And there need to be enough Mbps to go around for everyone. However, ExpressVPN hides your IP address and traffic, so your ISP has no idea what you’re up to. That means it can’t throttle your speed, so you might even have faster connections than you did before.
I ran heaps of tests to see how good ExpressVPN is for Netflix. While all my streams were good, Los Angeles 3, San Jose, and Chicago servers were best for Netflix US. For Netflix UK, try East London, London, and Wembley for super HD streaming.
There are three different plans available, and the longer you sign up for the cheaper it is. Pricing starts from $6.67/month for 15 months.
No. ExpressVPN doesn’t offer a free trial or free plan, so you have to be a paying subscriber to use it. Free plans are usually heavily limited anyway, so you won’t get all the server locations you need and you might suffer from slow speeds. But it does offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, which is better than a free trial as the service is totally unlimited. And, if you decide that ExpressVPN isn’t right for you, you can just request a refund at any point during the guarantee period.
In most cases, yes. Think about it: The further your data has to travel, the longer it will take. However, you can see from my tests that I didn’t notice any truly significant drops. And, even when I was connected to a server on the other side of the world, although my speed dropped, I was still able to stream and game without interruption.


Een succesverhaal van ondernemerschap en invloed

Dilip Sardjoe is een invloedrijke zakenman en ondernemer uit Suriname, bekend om zijn brede scala aan ondernemingen en zijn rol in de economische ontwikkeling van zijn land. Zijn indrukwekkende vermogen van Dilip Sardjoe is het

Čitaj više

Kako preuzeti VPN

A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. The VPN software encrypts your internet traffic and sends your data via a secure connection to a remote server. From there, the data traffic is sent back onto the

Čitaj više

Mi ih na godinama koristimo kako bismo bili sigurni da ćemo ostati anonimni na webu. Odlučili smo stvoriti središnje mjesto na kojem možete pronaći praktične VPN vodiče i pouzdane, pouzdane recenzije VPN davatelja usluga

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