Izbjegnite online cenzuru s VPN-om

Cenzura na internetu postaje sve češća. Često to ima politički razlog. U nekim su zemljama određene web stranice s vijestima ili društvene mreže blokirane jer vlada ne želi da građani imaju pristup tim informacijama. Za zaobilaženje ove cenzure, VPN veza nudi rješenje. Slijedite korake u nastavku: Zaključite online… Pročitaj više

Najbolji VPN za Google Chromecast

The Google Chromecast is a handy media player that lets you easily stream movies, series, music and other online content on your TV from your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Do you have a Chromecast dongle and would you like to take more advantage of it? You can do so by using a VPN. In short, a … Pročitaj više

Najbolji VPN za Amazon Fire TV Stick

The Amazon Fire TV Stick helps you stream online on your television with ease. It’s a smart idea to secure your Amazon Fire TV with a VPN. In our opinion, these are the best VPNs for this: ExpressVPN: the best provider all-round. Private Internet Access: For viewers on a budget. CyberGhost: the most user-friendly VPN. … Pročitaj više

Kako preuzeti VPN

A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. The VPN software encrypts your internet traffic and sends your data via a secure connection to a remote server. From there, the data traffic is sent back onto the internet. This changes the IP address which is visible to the rest of the internet. Your internet traffic is in this way … Pročitaj više

Postavljanje VPN-a na Android TV-u

An Android TV is a smart TV platform designed by Google. It uses the Android operating system and allows you to play series, movies and music on your television without worries through various apps. For example, you can easily stream Spotify and Kodi with it. If you protect your Android TV with a VPN, your internet provider cannot simply … Pročitaj više

VPN za Apple TV

With an Apple TV you can easily watch online movies and series on your television. A VPN protects the unsecured connection between your Apple TV and the internet. A VPN gives you online security, anonymity and freedom. The best three VPN’s to use for your Apple TV are: ExpressVPN NordVPN Surfshark What’s the best VPN … Pročitaj više

VPN za boks strujanje i gledanje

Boksački mečevi se ne prenose uvijek na TV-u. Budući da je boks ovdje manje popularan nego u drugim zemljama, često morate tražiti međunarodnu web stranicu da biste gledali boksački meč. Nažalost, i oni su redovito blokirani jer niste iz zemlje u kojoj se web stranica nudi. Gledanje boksa u inozemstvu ili u… Pročitaj više
