VPN za posao

VPN’s are incredibly important in business. Not only do they protect your data from hackers and cybercriminals, but they also allow you to set up an internal network that only employees can access, even when they are out of the office. But which VPN is best for your business? We did some research and compiled a list of … Pročitaj više

VPN za streaming i gledanje ragbija

Ragbi je žestok sport s puno obožavatelja diljem svijeta. Ragbi u mnogim zemljama nije toliko popularan kao u nekim drugim zemljama poput Francuske, Engleske, Južne Afrike i Novog Zelanda. To nekim navijačima otežava gledanje važnih utakmica ili turnira poput Six Nations (Engleska, Francuska,… Pročitaj više

VPN za streaming i gledanje tenisa

Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world. Every year millions of people watch the various tournaments such as Wimbledon, Roland Garros, the US Open and the Australian open. However, it is not always and everywhere possible to watch tennis. For example, if you are abroad and you don’t have access to … Pročitaj više

Što je računalni virus

What is a computer virus? A computer virus (also popularly called a virus) is a subcategory malware. A virus is a malicious program (or piece of computer code) that infects computers and then attempts to multiply and spread itself across a network. A virus is often hidden in a file, and is activated by users opening or activating … Pročitaj više

Koja je razlika između VPN-a i VPS-a

Skraćenice VPN i VPS vrlo su slične. Mnogi ljudi brkaju ova dva pojma. Ipak su to dvije potpuno različite usluge. Virtualni privatni poslužitelj (VPS) je oblik web hostinga, dok je virtualna privatna mreža (VPN) usluga koja vam omogućuje anonimni pristup internetu. Dakle, to su različite stvari, ali imena… Pročitaj više

VPN za Windows

Many people use Windows computers every day to browse online, watch movies and take care of their personal business. However, going on the Internet unprotected is not always a smart idea. It’s better to use a VPN so you can ensure your online privacy, security and freedom . Here are the three best VPN’s for Windows: ExpressVPN: best fast VPN. … Pročitaj više

VPN za iPhone

najbolji iphone vpn

Testirali smo nekoliko VPN-ova kako bismo vidjeli koji su najbolji za iPhone i iPad. Ovdje smo uglavnom gledali na brzinu, sigurnost i privatnost, jednostavnost korištenja, dodatne opcije i cijenu. Tako smo došli do sljedeća 3 najbolja VPN-a za iOS ExpressVPN: najbolji 'ukupni' VPN, također za iPhone i iPad. CyberGhost: … Pročitaj više
