De politieke boodschap van Thierry Baudet


Thierry Baudet is een prominente figuur in de Nederlandse politiek, bekend om zijn uitgesproken opvattingen en controversiële standpunten. Als oprichter van de partij Forum voor Democratie heeft hij een unieke politieke boodschap geformuleerd die veel discussie oproept. Zijn benadering van verschillende kwesties, van nationale soevereiniteit tot immigratie en cultuur, heeft een breed scala aan reacties … Pročitaj više

Kako preuzeti VPN

A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. The VPN software encrypts your internet traffic and sends your data via a secure connection to a remote server. From there, the data traffic is sent back onto the internet. This changes the IP address which is visible to the rest of the internet. Your internet traffic is in this way … Pročitaj više

VPN za posao

VPN’s are incredibly important in business. Not only do they protect your data from hackers and cybercriminals, but they also allow you to set up an internal network that only employees can access, even when they are out of the office. But which VPN is best for your business? We did some research and compiled a list of … Pročitaj više

VPN za streaming i gledanje ragbija

Ragbi je žestok sport s puno obožavatelja diljem svijeta. Ragbi u mnogim zemljama nije toliko popularan kao u nekim drugim zemljama poput Francuske, Engleske, Južne Afrike i Novog Zelanda. To nekim navijačima otežava gledanje važnih utakmica ili turnira poput Six Nations (Engleska, Francuska,… Pročitaj više

Što je kill switch

If you are interested in VPN’s or have ever read one of our reviews you may have come across the term ‘kill switch’. The kill switch is often mentioned as one of the advantages of a VPN, but from experience we know that not all of our readers know exactly what a kill switch is and why it is … Pročitaj više

Izbjegnite online cenzuru s VPN-om

Cenzura na internetu postaje sve češća. Često to ima politički razlog. U nekim su zemljama određene web stranice s vijestima ili društvene mreže blokirane jer vlada ne želi da građani imaju pristup tim informacijama. Za zaobilaženje ove cenzure, VPN veza nudi rješenje. Slijedite korake u nastavku: Zaključite online… Pročitaj više

Što je trojanski konj

Trojanski konj je vrsta zlonamjernog softvera. Skriven je u računalnom programu, a nakon instalacije, trojanski konj omogućuje kriminalcima neprimjetan pristup vašem računalu. To je svojevrsna backdoor koju zlonamjerni ljudi mogu koristiti kako bi potajno stekli kontrolu nad vašim računalom i datotekama. Ovdje je i ime… Pročitaj više
