is a company that compares and test VPN providers. We offer unique insights to compare VPN and security software to give you the best options, without spending days researching everything on your own. We have reviewed tens of VPN providers and summarized all the details so you can easily find the best solutions that fit your usage.
We have started Global Watch Online several years ago and keep growing with more new information, new VPN reviews and comparisons of many tools. We work with our dedicated team of designers, freelancers, developers and cyber security experts to give you the best information available on the topic of VPN’s.
We keep working to give you the best VPN solutions. Our team works daily to give you the latest information in this space and detailed orientated reviews about all the VPN providers.
We find it important to write about those topics, as they are an important matter to us and many people in the world. The internet is widely available and offers plenty of options, but there are risks where we want to make our visitors more aware off. We try to give you the information as easy as possible, no complicated instructions, but easy digestible information that anyone could understand. So, you can make your own choices based on this information.
Despre noi
Meet Our Team of Writers and VPN Experts
Frank Guernsey
Manager și editor
Frank este un fanatic al confidențialității și are ani de experiență în spațiul VPN, este unul dintre experții noștri principali în acest domeniu.
Ling Ti-Wong
Recenzor și scriitor VPN
Ling este unul dintre recenzorii noștri VPN, el se asigură că toate recenziile și ghidurile sunt la zi și actualizate.
Janine Worthfield
Editor de conținut și design
Janine este principalul nostru editor de conținut, designer grafic și ajută la întreținerea acestui site web. Ea este responsabilă pentru proiectarea și aspectul site-ului web.