Izogibajte se spletni cenzuri z VPN

Cenzura na internetu postaja vse bolj pogosta. Pogosto ima to politični razlog. V nekaterih državah so nekatera spletna mesta z novicami ali družbeni mediji blokirana, ker vlada ne želi, da bi imeli državljani dostop do teh informacij. Za izogibanje tej cenzuri rešitev ponuja povezava VPN. Sledite spodnjim korakom: Sklenite spletno … Preberi več

Kako prenesti VPN

A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. The VPN software encrypts your internet traffic and sends your data via a secure connection to a remote server. From there, the data traffic is sent back onto the internet. This changes the IP address which is visible to the rest of the internet. Your internet traffic is in this way … Preberi več

Nastavitev VPN-ja na Android TV

An Android TV is a smart TV platform designed by Google. It uses the Android operating system and allows you to play series, movies and music on your television without worries through various apps. For example, you can easily stream Spotify and Kodi with it. If you protect your Android TV with a VPN, your internet provider cannot simply … Preberi več

VPN za Apple TV

With an Apple TV you can easily watch online movies and series on your television. A VPN protects the unsecured connection between your Apple TV and the internet. A VPN gives you online security, anonymity and freedom. The best three VPN’s to use for your Apple TV are: ExpressVPN NordVPN Surfshark What’s the best VPN … Preberi več

VPN za pretakanje in gledanje boksa

Boksarske tekme ne prenašajo vedno na televiziji. Ker je boks pri nas manj priljubljen kot v drugih državah, morate pogosto poiskati mednarodno spletno stran za ogled boksarske tekme. Žal so tudi te redno blokirane, ker niste iz države, kjer je spletna stran na voljo. Gledanje boksa v tujini ali v… Preberi več
