Leder du efter en ny Private Internet Access VPN anmeldelse? Det er logisk, de sidste par år har disse tjenester opnået enorm popularitet, næsten 30% af internetbrugere har brugt VPN -tjenester i løbet af de sidste 5 år. Vi kl Globalwatchonline.com tested and tried all different providers for you, read our comprehensive PIA VPNreview and learn everything about this service, we are sure that once you’re done reading you will know if this provider suits you.
Hvem og hvad er Private Internet Access?
PIA er en velkendt VPN-service, men hvordan stabler den sig mod andre populære VPN-tjenester? For at finde ud af det besluttede jeg at købe deres månedlige plan og prøvede dem. Private Internet Access (PIA) er sandsynligvis mest populære VPN på markedet i dag.
- Det blev startet af London Trust Media, INC. Tilbage i august 2010. Selvom det er en af de billigste VPN’er og har tusindvis af brugere, er det godt nok til seriøs brug? I denne anmeldelse testede vi PIA-servernetværksydelse, brugervenlighed af deres VPN-app samt teknologien bag deres VPN-service (OpenVPN + 128-bit kryptering).
- True to its name, this provider is best known for its strict no-logs policy and commitment to user privacy. It's not one of the billigste løsninger dog, men det rangerer højt the best VPN list of 2022.
Is PIA truly as trustworthy as they claim when it comes to protecting user privacy and anonymity? How does it perform in other categories like streaming, torrenting, and safety? We tested PIA ourselves to find out, and the results are in. Some of the highlights of PIA’s VPN service include its user-friendly interface, robust security, anonymous torrenting, and support for 10 simultaneous devices. Downsides include variable speeds and inconsistent ability to access popular streaming sites like Netflix, Kodi eller Hulu.
Hvad er fordele og fordele?
- Politik uden logning
- Ubegrænset båndbredde og brug
- Op til 10 samtidige forbindelser
- Talrige funktioner, herunder kill switch, Ipv6 lækagebeskyttelse, annoncebloker, P2P support
- Over 35.550+ servere i 78 lande verden over
- Brugervenlig grænseflade
Private Internet Access er en af de hurtigste
One of the most important factors of a VPN is their download speed. If you’re signing up with a slow (read: bad VPN), you’ll end up with ridiculously slow speed. We’ve faced that several times, especially when I tested speed in StrongVPN and Mullvad (both were below 20 Mbps out of 100). However, things with Private Internet Access look quite good actually. As always, to make our PIA review accurate, I went to speedtest.net and put the following locations to the test: US, EU, Asia, and the UK. The location I used to track the speed was in the middle of Europe: Amsterdam
Amerikansk server (New York)
- Ping: 118 ms
- Download: 77,56 Mbps
- Upload: 36,75 Mbps
EU-server (Amsterdam)
- Ping: 41 ms
- Download: 81,46 Mbps
- Upload: 40,30 Mbps
Asia Server (Hongkong)
- Ping: 283 ms
- Download: 69,98 Mbps
- Upload: 13,04 Mbps
UK-server (London)
- Ping: 48 ms
- Download: 75,67 Mbps
- Upload: 23,00 Mbps
In conclusion – PIA is pretty fast VPN. Not as fast as NordVPN or ExpressVPN, but surely an “OK” alternative as it’s cheaper. Keep in mind, speed is an important factor and is vastly connected with the VPN software you’re using. Of course, there are some ways to speed up a VPN connection, but the main styrke comes from the actual VPN servers.
PIA hævder ingen logning
‘Logging’ is a practice used to monitor and record data points from your VPN activity. For example, your internet service provider (ISP) will log which websites you access along with your personal information used to connect (like email or ISP). And they can actually sell that data. Some VPN providers will log certain details, like when you log in or sign off, in order to monitor their usage to improve service. PIA has a no logging policy that will not track or monitor traffic logs, or communication logs.
Det sporer dog nogle oplysninger, såsom:
- Din email adresse
- Betalingsdata
- Kunder, der vælger at bruge det valgfrie kontrolpanel, modtager en midlertidig cookie
Ingen lækager fundet
Private Internet Access is located within the United States, a founding member of the Five Eyes Surveillance Alliance. Not ideal right off the bat. If they were to get their grubby hands on your data, it would end up in government databases all around the world. Thankfully though, this is a system without leaks, which greatly hinders the government’s ability to spy on your browsing activity. As you can see in the results below, PIA passed all of our tests, both to detect the presence of leaks and to ensure that their installation software was 100% clean.
Solid kryptering og gode funktioner
Ud over vigtige funktioner, såsom:
- Anonym IP
- Evne til at torrent
- Kill-Switch (but people have complained about it)
- 10 samtidige forbindelser
- I alt servere: 3300+
- Lande i alt: 32 (sidst bekræftet den 28. maj, 2019)
PIA har også flere forskellige krypteringsniveauer: Standardindstillingerne bruger 128-bit kryptering på dine data, hvilket er godt, men ikke det bedste. Du kan dog øge din datakryptering til 256-bit, hvilket er branchestandarden, og vil give dig en meget sikker forbindelse (det vil dog bremse alt en smule).
- Du kan også vælge krypteringsniveauet på både din datagodkendelse og dit håndtryk. Begge disse hjælper din computer og serveren med at kontrollere ægtheden af forbindelsen og de data, der overføres. Standardindstillingerne er for SHA1 og RSA-2048, en 2.048-bit krypteringsnøgle. Det er meget svært at bryde.
- Du kan dog gå helt op til RSA-4096 og fordoble størrelsen på datagodkendelsesnøglen med SHA256. Igen anbefaler jeg at bruge de maksimale indstillinger, så du får den bedst mulige sikkerhed. Men hvis du virkelig har brug for ekstra hastighed, kan du overveje at bruge standardanbefalingen.
And while the Risky Business setting might seem like a good idea if you need extra speed for torrenting or streaming, we’d really recommend against it. There’s probably not anyone trying to break your VPN encryption… but why risk it?
Specialiseret i Torrenting
Hvis du er looking for a VPN that won’t restrict your torrenting, PIA is a solid choice. They don’t restrict or monitor any connections, and that includes peer-to-peer file sharing. You can use any torrenting client you like to download whatever you want, secure in the knowledge that your account won’t be blocked or your connection throttled. While Private Internet Access’s website doesn’t specifically say that the company supports torrenting, they do say that P2P is supported. So that’s something. But the VPN has developed a reputation for being torrent-friendly, so people recognize them as being a solid choice for file sharing.
En af de ældste og kendte VPN -udbydere
In the VPN world, it means a lot to have a reputation. And Private Internet Access has one of the best reputations in the business. They’ve been around since 2010, and they’ve provided reliable service ever since. In late 2017, they won the award for Most Stable VPN, which means a lot. Was it sponsored or not? Hard to tell. They’ve also received multiple editor’s choice award, but we can never know if they were compensated by PIA or not.
- VPN'en dukker op i en masse bedste og hurtigste VPN -lister, and there haven’t been any serious questions about their commitment to privacy (though they’re based in the US, which can be problematic; keep reading and we’ll discuss that momentarily).
Being in business for almost 20 years is definitely a sign of prestige in the VPN world. PIA’s reputation and longevity make it a very safe choice. The company also supports many organizations that are making the internet a better place, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Creative Commons, Blender, Inkscape, Gnome, and the Software Freedom Conservancy.
Anstændig enhedskompatibilitet
PIA supports most popular platforms. That includes Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and Firefox. They also have browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. They also support routers, technically speaking. But that will require some manual setup through OpenVPN. Not a huge fan of the extra labor. However, it does mean they’re compatible with DD-WRT, Lede, Merlin, PFSense, Tomato, and ASUSWRT routers. Plus, you can then connect both smart TVs and game consoles to de specifikke VPN -routere. So there’s your light at the end of the tunnel.
En ud af fem servere arbejdede for Netflix
PIA’s support forums confirm that they’ve been working diligently for years to find ways around Netflix’s detection. How have they fared? We tested four of their servers and saw the same dreaded black screen:
Disse fire tabere omfattede:
- USA: New York
- Canada
- Det Forenede Kongerige
- Holland
However, we did get a successful one in Sunny California. Believe it or not, one out of four is pretty good these days. Especially when the majority of VPNs don’t even try to work with streaming services anymore. Do some more research into good Netflix VPN's eller tjek guider om Kodi VPN -udbydere.
Private Internet Access Cons
The Limited Live Chat Support is a con, although PIA offers “24/7 North American” support. They only offer a live chat option for paying customers, which is kinda bad if you want to inquire about their services. I tænke that means their support personnel is located in North America. Seeing as the whole “24/7” thing means they should always be available (no matter where you’re befinde sig).
- Da jeg kontaktede dem midt om natten, fik jeg et svar næste morgen. Ikke så 24/7 længere, hva '? På den positive side giver de også en separat Twitter -konto dedikeret til kundeservice. Jeg kiggede på det netværk for at se, hvordan de interagerer med kunderne.
The good news is that they will still try to provide long, detailed answers (despite Twitter’s condensed medium). Furthermore, they have a FAQ page which might help some of you:
Placeret i USA, kan dette være et problem
Private Internet Access is based in the United States, and that’s problematic for many people. The US has some of strictest, most privacy-invading surveillance laws in the developed world, and that applies to VPN providers.
- Regeringen har været kendt for at presse VPN'er til at opgive brugerdata med hemmelige warrants, og det bekymrer fortalere for fortrolighed.
- Of course, the fact that PIA doesn’t keep logs means that they have very little to share with the authorities if they come knocking. But the fact is that they may not have a choice; if they have any data about you at all (such as whether you’re a customer or how long you’ve been one), they may be forced to hand it over.
- Skal det bekymre dig? Måske, og måske ikke. Der er rygter om, at NSA har været i stand til at bryde krypteringen på nogle VPN'er, hvilket betyder, at regeringen kan snuse på din forbindelse.
If you’re using the maximum security recommendations, that’s less likely. Because of the combination of surveillance laws and intelligence-sharing agreements in the US, I tend to avoid VPNs based there. But that doesn’t mean it’s completely necessary for everyone.
PIA -priser
PIA has a single plan with tiered pricing based on the length you’d like to commit and prepay. That keeps things nice and simple. And you can also get a great deal if you’re ready to shell out a single year in advance.
Plan 1:
- Månedlige
- $9,95/måned
Plan to:
- Årligt
- $5.99/mo ($71.88 om året)
Plan tre:
- 2 år
- $3.49/mo ($83.87 pr. 2 år)
Kan du let købe Private Internet Access?
They offer a 7-day money back guarantee. So you can give the service a spin over the course of a few days. If you’re unhappy at all during those seven days, you can simply get your money back. Interestingly, PIA accepts all kinds of different methods of payment from credit cards to PayPal & they’ll also accept Bitcoin (which could also help you add another layer of privacy to the transaction).
Endnu bedre måde at skjule bag din identitet?
- Ingen logning: Ingen aktivitetslogfiler, kun betalings- og e -mailoplysninger.
- Nem VPN -software: Enkel og glat installationsfil var dog over 60mb.
- Skjulte gebyrer og klausuler: Ingen. Faktisk er deres privatlivspolitik bemærkelsesværdigt ligetil.
- Upsells: Ingen upsells.
- Øjeblikkelig adgang efter betaling: Ja.
- DNS -lækager: Beskyttelse er indbygget (selvom du altid bør teste det selv).
- Jurisdiktion: USA
- Protokoller: OpenVPN, IPSec/L2TP, PPTP, Socks5 proxy.
- Kill-switch: Mixed reviews. Users can enable or disable it, and some have found that it doesn’t work as consistently as they like (I recommend testing it yourself).
Anbefaler vi Private Internet Access?
PIA er en brugervenlig VPN med robuste sikkerhedsfunktioner, der er nemme at konfigurere til at opfylde dine præferencer. VPN'en fungerer godt, når det kommer til sikkerhed og anonymitet, men inkonsekvente hastigheder og rystende geo-spoofing-evner betyder, at PIA ikke er det bedste valg til streaming. Vi var heller ikke særlig imponeret over PIAs kundesupport. På trods af sine ulemper har PIA stadig meget at tilbyde til en overkommelig pris.
- PIA tilbyder fremragende dækning i Nordamerika og Europa, med masser af servere centralt placeret. Denne dækning er dog ikke så stor i andre dele af verden, med kun få servere spredt rundt i Mellemøsten, Asien, Oceanien og en enkelt, ensom i Brasilien for sydamerikanske brugere.
- PIA har alle større protokoller til rådighed sammen med state-of-the-art krypteringsmetoder. Deres årlige priser er blandt de laveste i branchen. Og de har en syv-dages pengene tilbage-garanti, hvis du vil prøve dem.
- Ingen generel live chat support og virksomhed beliggende i USA.
- Brugervenlig, overkommelig og privatlivsvenlig, men har nogle ulemper